



MARCH 2, 2000


President David C. Whipple called the General Membership Meeting of INENA to order at 10:30 A.M. at the Bloomington Public Library in Bloomington, Illinois.


David C. Whipple (President), Richard Jones (Vice President), Vickie Leibach (Secretary), Michael Midiri (Treasurer), Douglas Edmonds (Region 1, Vice President), Jerry Bleck (Region 2, Vice President), David Tuttle (Region 4, Vice President), Kelly Gieker (Region 5, Vice President), Kathy Monken (Region 6, Vice President), Scott Sylvester (Region 7, Vice President) and Jeff Rodrigues (Region 8, Vice President).


Sandy Beitel (Region 3, Vice President).

APPROVAL OF INENA MINUTES: The motion was made by Richard Tuma and seconded by Sherrill Ornberg to approve the INENA General Membership minutes dated January 6, 2000. The motion passed unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT (Mike Midiri): Mike Midiri reported $1,902.23 in the INENA Education Fund; $35,005.36 in the INENA General Fund; and $22,000.00 in Certificates of Deposit. An accounting firm is in the process of reconciling the INENA funds. Mike Midiri is working on filing INENA tax returns for 1999. A motion was made by Harland Hector and second by Matt Magill to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion passed unanimously.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT (David Whipple): Deferred until the end of the meeting.

VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT (Richard Jones): No Report.

SECRETARY’S REPORT (Vickie Leibach): Vickie Leibach advised the membership that changes of membership information can now be accomplished on-line by accessing the National NENA web site and all INENA minutes are posted on the Illinois NENA web site.


Region 1 (Doug Edmonds) No Report

Region 2 (Jerry Bleck) No Report

Region 3 (Sandy Beitel) Absent

Region 4 (David Tuttle) No Report

Region 5 (Kelly Gieker) No Report

Region 6 (Kathy Monken) No Report

Region 7 (Scott Sylvester) No Report

Region 8 (Jeff Rodrigues) Reported letters to Chicago’s six wireless vendors were sent out a month and a half-ago regarding Phase 1. We are waiting for their responses.


Technologies (Richard Jones): No Report

Conference (Kathy Monken): Kathy Monken issued a reminder to the membership that the 2000 INENA Conference is scheduled for October 22nd – 25th, 2000. It is always important to make your hotel reservations early. Jerry Bleck is preparing the vendor packets and Gregg Riddle is interested in any new session ideas. Gregg Riddle stated the idea of hiring a professional speaker at the opening session is being entertained.

IAwards (Jerry Bleck): Jerry Bleck stated the applications for awards will be mailed out sometime in the near future. President Whipple announced that Harland Hector was awarded the NENA “Lifetime Membership Award” on March 15th. NENA Regional Vice-President, Ron Bonneau, presented the Award.


Historical Committee (Mike Moos): Richard Jones reported the agreement between INENA and Bradley University for the contract of space to display INENA historical memorabilia at the University’s Library is nearing completion.

Illinois Commerce Commission (Marci Schroll): Rick Gasparin advised the membership the most recent ICC activities involve Administrative Code 726 regarding PS/ALI permanent rulemaking. The emergency rule is posted on the ICC web site. Testimony for the permanent rule was provided several weeks ago. Some schools do not feel they are included in the legislation. JCAR ( the Joint Committee for Administrative Rules) and the Commission will review the language. Chicago Chamber of Commerce is hosting a presentation on PS/ALI March 23, 2000 at the Chicago Emergency Communication Center. The ICC has been in communication with several large businesses that have shown interest in becoming their own PSAP or PEEP. Senate Bill 1400, extending the compliance date by one year, to June 30, 2001, passed the Senate and will go to the House. Discussion was held regarding hospital satellite facilities and issues regarding OPX lines.

Illinois Telephone Association (Carol Wagner): Carol Wagner reported a joint meeting of the Illinois Telephone Association and the association’s committee of wireless carriers was held to assist the ICC in drafting language for the establishment of rules for wireless 9-1-1. Another association meeting is scheduled for March 16th and for an ICC workshop sometime in April. An informational document is being formulated to assist agencies in implementing Phase 1 service. The next general meeting will be a joint meeting of INENA and Illinois APCO focusing on Wireless Phase 1. Doug Edmonds stated there would be three meetings in the Chicago Metro area and suburban Cook County area relating to Wireless Phase 1. The first meeting for suburban Cook County is scheduled for March 29th; the location has not been named. A letter defining the meeting information will be mailed out soon. Marci Schroll reported some 9-1-1 systems are contacting her office for information on Wireless Carriers operating within their jurisdiction. That information is available from the ICC. Bob Currier of SCC, stated the FCC maintains a web site for Antenna Site Location: http://www.berkana.com/tower.php3 and for CMRS Carrier Database information: http://www.rcrnews.com.

Law Enforcement Training/Standards Board (Mike Moos): Richard Jones stated Mike Moos reports the EMD grant money for fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 has been exhausted.

Illinois Public Health (Debbie Hoover): David Tuttle reminded agencies to register their dispatchers with the Department of Public Health, prior to July 1st and should contact Debbie Hoover for assistance in this matter.


Local Number Portability (Richard Jones): Rick Jones discussed the issue of time frames involved in the transferring of 9-1-1 customer records. In June of 1997 a National Standard was adopted setting that time frame to twenty-four hours. At a meeting in Dallas, with most of the major carriers, it was discovered that ported customer’s records were being held longer than the twenty-four hour limit. Most of the carriers admitted not following the national standard. Another meeting is scheduled to discuss this issue.

WIRELESS 9-1-1: Mike Midiri informed the membership that 2 positions remain open on the Governor’s Wireless 9-1-1 Committee. The Chairperson has not been selected and no meeting dates have been set as of this date.


President Whipple thanked GeoComm for providing the coffee and donuts for today’s meeting. Paul Linnee of GeoComm, stated they are currently working on implementing Phase 1 wireless and mapping in St. Clair and Henry Counties.

Richard Tuma announced APCO is sponsoring a training session on personnel issues, April 14th in Elk Grove Village. National APCO is sponsoring four wireless seminars and attendees of the seminar will receive a free coupon for registration to the 2000 National APCO Conference in Boston. One seminar is being held in Rolling Meadows, Illinois on May 18th and 19th. Gregg Riddle has seminar informational brochures available.

Bill Gamblin informed the membership of grant monies available through the Department of Commerce for multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency, 9-1-1 communication centers implementing creative enhancement features to the center. Information can be obtained from their web site at http://www.ntia.gov . Scott Sylvester warned these grants were highly competitive and offer only a 6% success rate. The grants can not be utilized for equipment replacement.

President Whipple advised John Kelley is organizing a reception for Illinois attendees and other invited guests at the 2000 National NENA Conference in Salt Lake City for Norm Forshee. All Illinois attendees will receive invitations. INENA will also offer purchase of a shirt for Illinois attendees to be worn at the Conference on a particular day.

National NENA is sponsoring a PS Comm 2000 Conference in Orlando, Florida, November 5th – 8th, 2000. This conference relates to the everyday operations of 9-1-1 systems and communication centers. Any ideas for this forum can be directed to President Whipple.

Sonya at National NENA is looking for articles for the NENA 2000 directory and can be reached by e-mail at [email protected].

PROGRAM: “NENA’s 9-1-1 Report Card to the Nation and PS Comm 2000 Best Business Practice Conference” by Norm Forshee.

The motion to adjourn was made by Richard Tuma and seconded by Kathy Monken. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 P.M.