


JANUARY 7, 1999

The General Membership Meeting of the INENA was called to order by President David C.Whipple at 10:40 A.M. at the Bloomington Police Department in Bloomington, IL.

Officers Present:

David C. Whipple (President), Michael Midiri, Jr. (Treasurer)

Vickie Leibach (Secretary), Norman H. Forshee (NENA 2nd Vice President), RonBonneau (NENA Regional Vice President), Douglas Edmonds (Region 1, Vice President), JerryBleck (Region 2, Vice President), Sandy Beitel (Region 3, Vice President), David Tuttle(Region 4, Vice President), Kathy Monken (Region 6, Vice President), and Jeff Rodrigues(Region 8, Vice President).

Officers Absent:

Rick Jones (Vice President), David Thomas (Region 5, VicePresident), and Scott Sylvester (Region 7, Vice President).

Installation of INENA 1999 Officers:

Norm Forshee conducted the swearing-inceremony of the 1999 Officers that were present. David Whipple expressed his appreciationto the past officers for their work and dedication.

Approval of INENA Minutes:

The motion for approval of the INENA GeneralMembership minutes dated October 27, 1998 was made by Richard Tuma and seconded by SandyBeitel. The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of INENA Treasurer?s Report:

Michael Midiri, Jr., informed themembership of the following account balances; INENA General Fund – $18,562.43 and theINENA Educational Fund – $3,919.73. The motion for approval of the treasurer?s reportwas made by Richard Tuma and seconded by Kathy Monken. The motion passed unanimously.David Whipple directed Michael Midiri to contact John Kelly to investigate the possibilityof investing a portion of the General Fund. The concern involves better utilization of ourmonies and ensuring our non-profit status. Michael Midiri reported receiving a $2,000check from Ameritech for the Educational Fund. Outstanding commitments for the same amountare from AT&T and Cellular One. In the past, Illinois APCO has agreed to split thecosts associated with wireless education expense for an amount not to exceed $5,000. Theircontribution to the fund was $1,600.

Vice President?s Report (Rick Jones):


Secretary?s Report (Vickie Leibach):

No Report

Regional Vice President?s Report:

Region 1 (Doug Edmonds) No Report

Region 2 (Jerry Bleck)

Region 3 (Sandy Beitel) Members in Region 3 held a meeting on November 12thwith approximately 20 attendees. The next Region 3 meeting will be scheduled sometime inMarch.

Region 4 (David Tuttle) No Report

Region 5 (David Thomas) Absent

Region 6 (Scott Sylvester) Absent

Region 7 (Jeff Rodrigues) Reported the City of Chicago is averaging 14,000non-emergency 3-1-1 calls per day.

NENA Regional Vice President (Ron Bonneau)

: Ron Bonneau advised the membershipNENA?s new Executive Director is Mark Adams. Mr. Adams formally held the position ofCorporate Attorney for NENA and is very familiar with the Association.

NENA 2nd Vice President (Norm Forshee)

: Norm Forshee reported theNational NENA office will move to Columbus, Ohio on April 1st. The NENA officeemployees were offered the opportunity to move with the office, most of them havedeclined. NENA has approved a severance package for these employees. Mark Adams has hiredone person to assist him, a second person will be hired in February and a third person inMarch. Ron Bonneau is working on how we are going to handle Canada and the Board islooking into how to handle the rest of the world, in relationship to the organization. Weare working on preserving our organization and still sharing it with the rest of theworld. Norm Forshee was placed on a Committee to provide the FCC with status informationregarding the Wireless movement and PBX. Norm Forshee requested the membership to reportany NENA mailing problems to the National Office. Norm Forshee informed the membershipBill Hinkle and Mark Adams will be attending the 1999 INENA Conference in October.


Conference Committee (Kathy Monken):

Kathy Monken reported the followingresults of the 1998 Conference: Attendance 674 (increase of 34 over 1997 conference)

Vendors/Vendor Booths 48/53

A profit of approximately $18,500.00 is INENA?s portion from the 1998 Conference.Kathy Monken reported there were five new sponsors for the Conference. The ConferenceCommittee would appreciate any ideas for the 1999 Conference. The Holiday Inn in Decaturwill host the 1999 Conference on October 24-27, 1999. Kathy Monken strongly urged themembership to make hotel reservation early. David Whipple expressed his appreciation tothe Conference Committee for their hard work and dedication. He also offered his gratitudeto all the volunteers for their help. Our conferences continue to grow bigger and betterevery year, because of the contributions these people offer. Congratulations were extendedto the winners of the awards. Jerry Bleck, of the Award Committee, relayed his gratitudefor those who served on the Nomination Committee. Dave Whipple asked the membership tosend nominations for awards to Jerry Bleck.

Nomination Committee (Norm Forshee):

Norm Forshee advised the membership thenew constitution and bylaws has new officers taking office and at the end of theconference.


Deb Prather reported two hundred9-1-1 systems on line in Illinois. Bureau County has filed a final application. Call boxwaivers were received from TCG, Ovation, and MGC Communications, Inc. The PTC should havesome type of hearing scheduled within the next 30-60 days. The Staff is currently involvedin merger requests from Ameritech & Southwestern Bell and GTE & Bell Atlantic.


Staff is reviewing part 725 final draft. We hope to have it on the web site in 1-2weeks. No date has been set for opening the docket, hopefully within the next 60 days. Debreminded the membership 9-1-1 system annual reports are due January 31, 1999. Deb reportedthe ICC Executive Director mailed letters to all 9-1-1 systems regarding Y2K. Theirconcern is to make sure all 9-1-1 systems are looking at this issue and if help is neededthey can contact us. It is also important to communicate with your utility companies toverify their readiness. Deb Prather reported the extension for the PS/ALI legislation wasattached to the wireless legislation. It is supposed to be discussed next week. The majorconcern involves costs for modifying existing systems. Several smaller companies could endup spending more to modify than the original cost of the system itself. There are a lot ofgray areas because of the language in the Act.


Carol Wagner reportedthe ITA continues to work with PS/ALI legislation compliance. The next meeting isscheduled for January 14, 1999 in Springfield.


Ameritech (Gene Valentine):

Gene Valentine stated the error ratio, networkdiagrams, and Y2K information will be provided to the Ameritech 9-1-1 systems prior to theend of January.

NENA National Committee for Standards of Public Safety Communication Centers (RichardTuma):

Richard Tuma advised he has served on the NENA National Committee forStandards of Public Safety Communication Centers for several years. NENA is now reviewinga COLEA standard that was developed in August of 1998. If approved, it will be ourrecommendation to adopt this standard. This document contains a separate standard forstand-alone agencies.

Pay Telephone Provider Communication

: David Whipple reported receiving a letterfrom a pay telephone provider organization. Deb Prather advised she had received severalcomplaints regarding pay telephones during the workshop. The IBTA volunteered to send aletter out and run interference for any types of problems relating to pay telephones.

WIRELESS 9-1-1 LEGISLATION (David Whipple):

David Whipple reported there weretwo days left in the veto session for the wireless legislation to pass. Negotiatingmeetings have been ongoing since Thanksgiving. Today information was received that in allprobability the bill will not be called in the veto session. It is their preference not todiscuss anything controversial during the transition of the new legislators. In order toachieve the passage of this bill, we need to formulate a plan, acquire the support fromall 200 9-1-1 systems in the state, and connect with our local legislators.


The motion to adjourn was made by Richard Tuma and seconded byNorm Forshee. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 12:40 P.M.

The next INENA General Membership Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 4, 1999 at10:30 A.M., at the Springfield Training Academy, 3501 Color Plant Road, Springfield,Illinois.

INENA Minutes are on the INTERNET at the following address: www.nena911.org/inena