


January 4, 2001


President Michael A. Midiri called the General Membership Meeting of INENA to order at 10:35 A.M. at the Bloomington Police Department in Bloomington, Illinois.


Michael Midiri (President), David Tuttle (Vice President), Vickie Leibach (Secretary), Douglas Edmonds (Region 1, Vice President), Jerry Bleck (Region 2, Vice President), Sandy Beitel (Region 3, Vice President), Richard Gragert (Region 4, Vice President), Marci Schroll (Region 5, Vice President), Kathy Monken (Region 6, Vice President), and Jeff Rodrigues (Region 8, Vice President).


Scott Sylvester (Treasurer), and Ken Smith (Region 7, Vice President)

WELCOME: President Midiri welcomed the membership present to the INENA meeting.

APPROVAL OF INENA MINUTES: The motion was made by Richard Tuma and seconded by Kathy Monken to approve the INENA Annual Membership minutes dated October 23, 2000. The motion passed unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT (Scott Sylvester): No Report – Absent

VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT (David Tuttle): No Report



SECRETARY’S REPORT (Vickie Leibach): Vickie Leibach advised the membership all INENA 2001meeting dates and locations are posted on the INENA web site.


Region 1 (Doug Edmonds) Cook County area continues working on wireless 9-1-1. This has developed into several regional groups.

Region 2 (Jerry Bleck) Region 2 continues to work on wireless 9-1-1and on the zip code aspects of the wireless project.

Region 3 (Sandy Beitel) Planning for a Region 3 meeting the 1st week in February.

Region 4 (Richard Gragert) Region 4 is working on wireless 9-1-1.

Region 5 (Marci Schroll) Region 5 agencies will be receiving an introductory letter and survey in the near future from Marci Schroll.

Region 6 (Kathy Monken) St. Clair County has three wireless carriers providing Phase 1 service. AT&T test date is set for January 17th. Nextel is doing test calls using H-CAS. Voice Stream wants to deliver Phase 0 service and sent a contract asking for help in acquiring grants from CMS, they were refused this request.

Region 7 (Ken Smith) Absent

Region 8 (Jeff Rodrigues) Region 8 working on defining zip code areas with CMS. Also found some wireless carriers, who are still sending 9-1-1 calls to Conner Communications, we will be working with those carriers to have the calls routed to the Emergency Communications Center.


TECHNOLOGIES (Richard Jones): No Report

LEGISLATION (Norm Forshee): No Report

CONFERENCE (Kathy Monken): Kathy Monken advised the conference dates for next year will be October 21st –24th, in Springfield Illinois. Conference hotel information: Hilton Downtown (Host Hotel) 217-789-1530 and the Renaissance (Overflow) 217-544-8800. Work on the 2001 Conference is already underway. Vendor information should be ready within the next two months. The past conference exceeded 700 attendees with 68 vendor exhibits and 30 sessions/programs.


ILLINOIS COMMERCE COMMISSION (Marci Schroll): Marci Schroll delivered an update on Part 727 which deals with Private Switch requirements for schools, not-for-profit, and local government. JCAR suspended the ICC rule and issued a resolution to the legislature. The House and Senate did not approve the resolution so the ICC Part 727 Emergency Rule went into effect on December 10th. This means schools, not-for-profit, and local government agencies need to be compliant with private switch requirements. However, because this is an emergency rule and not a final rule, it is subject to be returned to JCAR once again. Marci Schroll stated the ICC received 176 letters of intent from agencies requesting to receive wireless 9-1-1 calls. Of these 114 agencies filed wireless plans. Forty-two letters have been sent to agencies advising authorizations to be a wireless answering point and thirty additional authorizations are being prepared. The other agencies will be contacted for additional information. Sixty-two agencies still need to file their plans. Ron Gurgens of CMS retired and Steve Wieland is now the contact with CMS. Marci Schroll reminded the membership that annual reports are due January 31st. The ICC has been receiving numerous calls regarding Voice Stream. At this time they are not providing wireless service in Illinois. If you give out routing numbers, you will probably receive Phase 0 service. Discussion was held regarding CAS and NCAS solutions. Norm Forshee advised that any agency having trouble with a wireless carrier over the solution to be used, can contact the FCC and their staff will be available to assist in a resolution of the matter. Rick Jones advised Part 728 states the ICC would mediate any disagreements between the wireless carriers and the 9-1-1 systems.




Wireless 9-1-1: Rick Jones advised the membership that CMS is having difficulty identifying the wireless resellers. He requested the membership to ask wireless carriers if they have any resellers and forward this information to CMS.

Security Link: Rich Tuma advised Security Link has been sold to Cambridge.

Dictaphone: William Gamblin advised the parent company of Dictaphone has filed Chapter 13 for protection.

PROGRAM TOPIC: “NATIONAL Mayday Readiness initiative (NMRI)” by Norm Forshee

The motion to adjourn was made by Rich Tuma and seconded by Kathy Monken. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 12:02 P.M.