Washington State E9-1-1 Office

Washington State Enhanced 9-1-1 Office

The State E9-1-1 Program was established as a result of voterreferendum approval in 1991. The referendum directed that E9-1-1emergency communications systems be in place in every county ofthe state by December 31, 1998. It provided for a state E9-1-1coordination office to facilitate local planning and installationof such systems. Funding provisions were included in thereferendum for county and state excise taxes to supportimplementation of E9-1-1 plans and systems. The state’s role wasclearly defined as supporting counties that could not implementE9-1-1 with funds collected by their own county. Stakeholders ofthe State E9-1-1 Program are the citizens of the state, thecounty governments which are responsible for implementation andoperation of the systems, and public safety service agencies. TheWashington Utilities and Transportation Commission and somelegislative committees have a continuing interest in the program.

Project Status

  • Map showing each county’s level of 9-1-1.
  • Graphs comparing counties’ to one another.

Public Education Materials


Legal References


Fax – (360)923-4519

Mailing Address:

Washington State Emergency Management
State E911 Office
PO Box 40955
Olympia, WA 98504-0955

Comments ?

This page was last changedMarch 25, 1998

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