Wireless SubCommittee Minutes

Wireless SubCommittee Minutes

of the

E911 Advisory Committee

King County E911 Office

7300 Perimeter Road South, Seattle

July 24, 1997 – 9 a.m.

Present: Marlys Davis, Wireless Committee Chair, King County; Allen Jakobitz, Bob Oenning, Ken Back and Penelope Christopherson, State E911 Office; David Griffith, UTC; Doug Gehrke, US West; Charlie Van Zandt, AirTouch; Diane Smith, State Senate; Ray Dellecker, Proctor & Associates; Jane Bissonnette, XYPOINT; Natalie Robbins, Nextel; Al Kear, GTE; Dave Stachelski, GTE NW; Glenn Kuhn, Fraser McKay, GTE Wireless; Greg Maras, Inland Cellular.

Conference Call Attendees: Bic Nguyen, Sean Cole, Sprint PCS; Darold Whitmer, SCC; Ross Baker, AT&T Wireless.

Approval of June 26, 1997 meeting minutes

A correction was noted on page 2, paragraph 4, in the June 26 minutes with reference to a trip Ray Dellecker, Proctor, took to the SCC. It should have read the FCC.

Report on 911 Funding Meeting with Senator West

Ken Back distributed a handout, N-A-T-O, based on a July 10th scoping meeting, addressing Spokane County Senator James West=s (R), Ways & Means, study request. The meeting provided an opportunity to brainstorm the magnitude of the issue. The next step is to put together a core group to lay out a work plan, of which wireless is one portion of that work plan. The counties are focusing on the rate of wireline tax with this study, but the State E911 Office will try to convince the counties to also focus on wireless funding to assure Phases I and II of the FCC deadlines are set out. The study report will also look at the efficiencies of regionalization.

A recommendation will be prepared by December. In the meantime, Ken Back stressed that everyone needs to talk with their lobbyist to elevate the wireless component of the issue. A draft copy of a wireless fact sheet was prepared and distributed by the State E911 Office. Comments should be made to Penelope Christopherson, State E911 Office, who prepared the fact sheet.

Report on Discussion with County Coordinators on Phase I Funding in Washington

A handout was distributed entitled, Funding of Phase I Service in Washington State,

developed by Marlys Davis based on a June 6 conference call with four county 911 coordinators. A second conference call took place July 15 with three other counties represented. They all concurred with the previous agreement; however, Okanogan County indicated it still has not implemented the 911 wireless tax.


The wireless carriers indicated they would like to see funding at the state level rather than at the county level for ease of billing, setting up contracts, etc. Marlys indicated that in this state current legislation establishes 911 funding at a county level, and wireless carriers will need to work with each county, as the wireline carriers do.

Allen Jakobitz indicated that the September 5 Coordinator=s Forum in Republic, Washington will address primarily wireless concerns. It would be an opportunity to educate the county coordinators on the wireless issue.

Bob Oenning distributed a four-page handout, Impact of 911 Calls, Units in Service, Statewide 911 Tax Revenue, and Call Impact Calculation, which was developed by the State E911 Office to show trends in wireless use.

Discussion on Segregation of Phase I Costs between ANI and Cell Site Location

A handout, Phase I Costs for 1998, prepared by Marlys Davis for the June wireless meeting was again distributed. Marlys explained how the projected costs were determined. She affirmed that under Washington law, wireless carriers need to implement ANI statewide as soon as possible and are responsible for paying for the provision of ANI. Marlys indicated that a wireless tax increase will be sought at the legislature next year to bring the wireless 911 tax into parity with the wireline tax, in an amount sufficient to cover the upgrades necessary for Phase II. Once the legislation has been passed and counties and the state have implemented the increased taxes, the ongoing cost of wireless ANI would pass from the wireless carriers to the counties. In the meantime, it is up to each county to determine if they have sufficient funding available to order full Phase service, since the counties are responsible to funding the cell site location piece of Phase I.

Based on the Phase I Costs for 1988 handout, Marlys asked the group to attempt to split the costs between ANI and cell site location for those counties who are in a position to order full Phase I service. After discussing the issue, it was determined that this will need to be worked out between each wireless carrier and each county.

Charlie Van Zandt stated AirTouch has developed a costing template for each county for Phase I installation and for on-going administrative costs. Regardless of Washington law, wireless companies will enter into a contract with each county.

Update on Projected Phase I Costs Presented at June 26th Meeting

Marlys asked for any updates on the projected Phase I costs before going to the Legislature. GTE reported that their estimate should be significantly less than what they originally anticipated. It should be equivalent to Cell Trace.

Marlys asked if the wireless carrier listing, indicating which counties they provide service in, developed by the State E911 Office could be updated. Allen Jakobitz was tasked with that responsibility.

Discussion on Projected Costs of Phase II Service and 911 Network Upgrades

Bob Oenning distributed a 10-page draft document, Cellular Location Estimates in Washington State. This document can be found on Internet on the NENA website (www.nena9-1-1.org/washington/cellfram.html). Using a $50,000 cost per cell site, Oenning estimated $80 million to implement wireless 911 ALI in Washington. Marlys asked wireless carriers to review Bob=s assumptions and adjust where needed. The estimates include cell site location, network upgrades, shared tandems, and PSAP equipment.

Marlys asked Allen Jakobitz to update the wireless carrier information (mobile switching center locations, which counties they serve). Wireless carriers are asked to work with Allen to update this information.

Charlie VanZandt indicated that the mobile switching center figures (MSC) were quite low and he would project $200,000 for each MSC.

Report from UW West on Phase I Interconnection

Gehrke reported that in Clark County Cell Trace is being used with ANI only. Cell Trace will be installed in Seattle by Aug. 15 with data links to the SCC platform by Aug. 15. Cell Link will be in Spokane, Tacoma, Bremerton, Yakima by the end of August and in Pasco by September/October.

Report from GTE on Phase I Interconnection

Al Kear indicated that GTE Phase I Interconnection is still in process for Phase I for Washington, Oregon and Idaho. There are a lot of boundary issues with interstate transfer of calls. They are putting in CML router networks for the states to look at within two months. A wireless trial will be in place in Washington county, Oregon, with interface with four-to-six other providers in four-to-five months. CML routers are planned for Chelan, Benton, Skagit and Snohomish Counties and in four-to-six months all should be in place. Then orders for Phase I can be processed

Report from Wireless Companies on Delivery of Phase I Service

GTE NW Wireless, Dave Stachelski, indicated he is currently working with US West, Doug Gehrke.

AirTouch, Charlie Van Zandt, stated the internal cost estimates are in place and will be mailed out to the counties next week. They are currently working on the methods and procedures. Turn on will need to be scheduled with 22 counties and now isn=t too soon. Charlie asked the State E911 Office to coordinate that activity (at least to set up the initial meetings).

Inland Cellular is offered in rural county areas and Greg Maras says they need to get E911 in service first. He indicated that Walla Walla cutover to C911 yesterday (7/23/97).

Nextel – had no report.

Sprint, Bic Nguyen, stated they are still investigating which solution to go with. They are looking for a third party vendor and are trying to set standards for a platform.

AT&T Wireless, Ross Baker, opted to go with SCC to provide Phase I. The agreement will be formalized in the next few days. Washington County, OR will be the first to verify functionality in multi-state jurisdictions. SCC is putting out implementation plans for counties who have requested Phase I service. Indicated it would be requesting a meeting with State E911 Office soon to talk about manual and documentation. AT&T encourages use of 911 Net Product.


Update from Wireless Companies on Which Counties in Washington State Have Ordered Phase I Service

Marlys distributed a list of counties who had requested ANI. AirTouch said it had received no official letters from Island or Spokane counties. AT&T Wireless indicated it needed to add Klickitat County to the list. It was requested that Allen Jakobitz determine which counties actually requested service and which requested information only and make those changes to the form he is already developing/updating.


  • Dan Youmans was appointed as the wireless contact for the Public Education Work Group. The next Public Education Work Group meeting is scheduled for August 19. Ross Baker will inform Dan of his appointment to this work committee.
  • The Security Issue subgroup of the Wireless Committee will be formed to address:

1) security contact numbers and procedures for PSAPs; and,

2) transfer procedures for operator assisted emergency calls to 911;

Members of this issue-oriented work group include: Reggie Williams, AirTouch. Both AT&T Wireless and GTE will forward a contact to Marlys. Marlys will also obtain representation from some PSAPs.

  • Marlys asked when to expect release of the Phase I NENA Standards on ALI Screens. Ross Baker indicated he would follow on that issue.
  • Marlys invited subcommittee members to plan to attend the Advisory Committee meeting following the Wireless Meeting the afternoon of September 18 (next scheduled meeting) The location has not yet been determined.


The next meeting is scheduled at the King County 911 Office at the King County Airport, 7300 Perimeter Road, South, Seattle on Thursday, August 21, 1997 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Future meetings will be held from 9 to 12 at the King County 911 Office on August 21, September 18, October 16, November 13 and December 11.

Assignments Made

  • Review cellular location cost estimates and provide updates at next meeting.
  • Ross Baker will inform Dan Youmans of his appointment to the Public Education Work Group, representing wireless issues.
  • Both AT&T Wireless and GTE will forward a contact to Marlys to serve on the wireless subcommittee dealing with security issues. Marlys will also obtain representation from some PSAPs.
  • Ross Baker will follow with corporate on NENA standards for ALI.
  • Allen Jakobitz is to determine which counties requested Phase I service and make those changes to the form he is already developing/updating.
  • Submit comments on the draft wireless fact sheet distributed at the meeting to Penelope Christopherson of the State E911 Office.
  • Allen Jakobitz will update the wireless carrier list developed by the State E911 Office.
  • Allen Jakobitz will update wireless carrier information (mobile switching center locations, which counties they serve). Wireless carriers are asked to work with Allen.

About Minutes and Handout Distribution

To conserve costs (fax, staff time, reproduction), only the minutes of the Wireless Subcommittee meetings will be faxed, not the handouts distributed at the meeting. Minutes will be faxed to all 911 coordinators as well as members of the subcommittee. If you were unable to attend a meeting and would like to receive a copy of the handouts, contact Penelope Christopherson, State E911 Office at 360-923-4517 or e-mail her at [email protected] to request a copy to be mailed. The handouts will only be mailed to those who were not in attendance. Be sure to provide your mailing address.