E911 Advisory Committee

E911 Advisory Committee

Wireless Work Group

King County E911 Office

7300 Perimeter Road South, Seattle

April 17, 1997 – 9 a.m.



Present: Marlys Davis, Wireless Committee Chair, King County; Bob Oenning, Allen Jakobitz, Penelope Christopherson, and Ken Back, State E911 Office; Joe Blaschka, AdComm; David Griffith, UTC; Doug Gehrke, US West; Ross Baker, AT&T Wireless; Natalie Robbins, Nancy Alpors, Nextel Comm.; Fraser McKay, GTE Wireless; Charlie Van Zandt, AirTouch; Rod Proctor, Ray Dellecker, Proctor & Associates; Tim Zenk, Lynn Mell, XYPoint; Chuck Orr, Vanessa Pegneros, Bic Nguyen, Sprint PCS; Bob Keeger, United State Cellular; Al Kear, GTE.


Approval of March 20, 1997 meeting minutes

The minutes were approved as written and submitted.


Report from US West on Phase I Interconnection Tariff Approval and Availability of Service

Doug Gehrke reported that the UTC had approved the Phase I tarrif. He added that Proctor & Associates will be delivering the Proctor box in May and June and that one unit was already delivered and installed in Clark County. US West intends to install the box at all seven selective routers first in western Washington by June with the entire state being serviced by July. According to Gehrke, US West is working on a plan internally on procedures to work with wireless carriers up to the point of turning on the trunks. They are not yet ready to be released to the wireless carriers. Gehrke made a personal commitment to 1) research how wireless carriers should place an order for service; 2) review how groups outside the company will work together; and, 3) indicated he would be the focal point if any conflict arises.


Ross Baker, AT&T Wireless, indicated they would be offering a Phase I solution which bypasses the LEC=s. AT&T Wireless would meet Phase I with its solution and it will pass 7-digits for counties by 4/1/98.


Report from GTE on Phase I Interconnection

Al Kear indicated he did not have pricing yet from the Dallas office and is not sure yet whether a tariff will be filed. He, too, like Gehrke will work on a format for wireless carriers so they can understand the process to provide service.


He stated that they too would be proposing another solution (a statewide network) and that they are trying to get a wireless trial going in Oregon. It would be late fourth quarter before the solution would be in place and possibly late second or third quarter 1997 before a tariff would be filed. He foresees that the counties won=t pay for service up to the trunks.


Report on Legal Opinions regarding whether FCC Ruling Supersedes Washington State Agreement

Marlys Davis provided preliminary advice from the King County Prosecutor on the above ruling. It is the County=s opinion that the RCW 82.14B.030(2) has not been preempted by the FCC report and order. This means that the funding mechanism for wireless enhanced 911 (AE911) systems described in the state law may continue. Marlys reported that the FCC will issue a clarifying order sometime in October. Bob Oenning reported that the state office had not yet received any advice from their Assistant Attorney General, but he felt it would probably be consistent with the King Co. Prosecutor=s opinion.


United State Cellular and AT&T Wireless are not in agreement with that position. The wireless carriers need to speak with their attorneys and get their viewpoint. Marlys asked that the wireless carriers report back at the next meeting if they are in agreement with this finding. She asked that they be prepared to respond whether or not they would they be with the counties in going to the legislature to push for a tax to fund Phase I implementation, if necessary.


Report from Wireless Companies identifying which Washington state counties ordered Phase I implementation

Eleven of the 26 Washington counties offering enhanced 911 services have requested Phase I Implementation by 4/1/98: Lewis, Mason, Yakima, Snohomish, Clark, Kittitas, Pierce, Thurston, Kitsap, King, Jefferson.


Report from Wireless Companies on Security Contact Numbers and Procedures for PSAPs

UTC will check on RCWs for reference and report back to the wireless committee whether there is a requirement for wireless carriers to provide security contact numbers and procedures to PSAPs.


The wireless carriers reported they generally do not have security contact numbers or formal, written procedures in place. They will report back on this issue at the May meeting.



Allen Jakobitz asked for interest in serving on a panel on Phase I implementation at the APCO Summer Seminar held in Wenatchee on June 12, from 9-11 a.m. If interested, contact Allen. Breakfast and a day pass will be given to participant panel members.


Handouts distributed:

  • Preliminary Advice from King Co. Prosecutor dated 4/17/97 on FCC Ruling
  • March 20, 1997 memo from Beth Ozanich, Wireless Operations, SCC Communications Group, to Marlys Davis on Wireless Data Display







The next meeting is scheduled at the King County 911 Office at the King County Airport, 7300 Perimeter Road, South, Seattle on Friday, May 16, 1997 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. The June meeting date was scheduled for the same time at the same location on Thursday, June 26.