Wireless Subcommittee Minutes

Wireless Subcommittee Minutes

of the

E911 Advisory Committee

King County E911 Office

7300 Perimeter Road South, Seattle

November 13, 1997 – 9 a.m.

Present: Marlys Davis, Wireless Committee Chair, King County; Allen Jakobitz, Bob Oenning, Penelope Christopherson, State E911 Office; Doug Gehrke, US West; Ross Baker and Lisa Verner, AT&T Wireless; Lynn Mell and Tim Zenk, XYPOINT; Al Kear, GTE; Mel Boston, CENCOM; Chris Johnson, Western Wireless; Chuck Orr and Bic Nguyen, Sprint PCS; Patty Johns, Lewis County 911; Steve Reinke, Kittcom. Conference Call Attendees: Tony Cooke, UTC; Kathy McClymont, Island County.

1. Approval of October 16, 1997 meeting minutes

Approved as written.

2. 1998 Legislation Discussion. (draft legislation handout distributed)

Draft legislation for RCW 38.52 and RCW 82.14B was distributed. Marlys Davis indicated that a title for the legislation is being drafted as well as language in RCW 82.14B to include a study to look at the total costs of providing enhanced 911 services.

The Proposed Findings were developed as supporting explanations for the suggested changes in legislative language. The draft language proposes a local 9-1-1 tax of 75 cents on both wireline and wireless service and a 20 cent state tax on both wireline and wireless service. It was determined that we would request the rate that has been documented this work group=s cost projections.

AT&T supported the proposed tax increase. Sprint indicated they would make the draft legislation available to their corporate legal, and had nothing to add at this time.


3. Wireless Company Subscriber Projections.

Marlys Davis said she had asked for five year projections on subscriber base from the wireless carriers but that they were unwilling to provide that information unless public disclosure documents are signed. As a public government, King County is unable to sign these documents.

Bob Oenning indicated that the state Dept. of Revenue (DOR) could collect that information from the wireless carriers since DOR is exempt from public disclosure, if the company indicates that disclosure would impact its ability to compete. This would be considered proprietary information. Bob further stated that any state agency or county for that matter would be exempt from disclosing this information publicly if the information was collected through an RFI process.

It was determined that this information is not critical at this time, and this issue was tabled.

4. Report from Security Subcommittee. (handout distributed)

Marlys Davis distributed a handout entitled, Wireless Company Security Procedures, which was developed by PSP representatives working with AirTouch security. It was recommended that all wireless companies established a dedicated 800 # restricted for use to PSAPs and law enforcement agencies in emergency situations, in-progress incidents and hostage/barricade situations. This number shall be staffed 24 hours per day, seven days per week. The information to be provided by the wireless carrier is the customer name and address.

In addition, it is recommended that each wireless carrier establish a telephone number to be used by PSAPs, law enforcement agencies and others in non-emergency situations. This number would be called when there is not an emergency in progress and a subpoena for the information has been obtained.

Procedures were detailed for PSAPs and wireless carriers with a sample procedure designed by AirTouch.

The security procedures are being recommended as a standard to be adopted by wireless carriers. The practice and procedures are similar to those currently being followed by the wireline industry.

5. Report from UW West on Phase I Interconnection

There are seven 9-1-1 selective routers in Washington and two have wireless interconnection service available (Vancouver, Seattle). Equipment is installed for four of the other five and US West is prepared to take orders. Pasco won=t be available for a while, but service can be obtained out of Spokane.

6. Report from GTE on Phase I Interconnection

Al Kear reported there is a delay on the Chelan router. It will be delivered in December and ready early next year. GTE is still awaiting a contract with Snohomish County. They are replacing the ALI boxes mid-December and the selective routers in the first quarter, 1998. Benton County is scheduled for mid-February implementation.

7. Report from Wireless Companies on Delivery of Phase I Service

AirTouch Cellular: No report.

AT&T Wireless Services: Ross Baker reported that SCC mailed out letters mid-October to all PSAPs who sent in letters of interest, requesting information on trunking, and latitude and longitude from the PSAPs. AT&T Wireless has put together a seven-minute video (to be viewed at December meeting); has drafted a contract, and is currently setting up meetings with interested counties

Marlys indicated that due to the Washington State ANI law, each carrier must define what ANI service is and explain how it differs from Phase I service.

Ross indicated that the WA ANI does differ from Phase I service. Marlys Davis asked AT&T Wireless and all other carriers to inform the committee of the difference at the December meeting.

Blue Mountain Cellular: No report.

GTE Wireless: No report.

Inland Cellular Telephone Company: No report.

NEXTEL: No report.

NEXTWAVE Telecom: No report.

Sprint PCS: Reports they are open to any solutions with the intent to go with US West CellTrace or the GTE solution (LEC solutions).

United States Cellular: No report.

Western Wireless: Currently evaluating technical implementation options. Is looking at CellTrace product. Hopes to provide April 1 implementation for Phase I.

Marlys Davis reminded all wireless carriers to bring to the December meeting their definition of WA ANI and Phase I service (describing the distinction between the two services), the costs to implement this service and to begin discussion with the counties/PSAPs about where to route service.

8. Report on Status of NENA standards for ALI Screen

Marlys Davis reported that Beth Ozanich, SCC and Chair of NENA Standards Committee, reported that NENA has developed a standard for the data stream but will not recommend a standard for the ALI screen. Marlys will work with the PSAP subcommittee to develop an ALI screen standard for Washington and bring it back to the December wireless subcommittee meeting.


Allen Jakobitz, State E911 Office, brought forth a situation occurring in Grays Harbor resulting in a high volume of 9-1-1 wireless calls resulting from Grays Harbor law enforcement calling 9-1-1 to contact their PSAP to bypass phone costs. He asked if other counties/PSAPs had a policy in place advising against such a practice that they could share with Millie Tirapelle. Both Kitsap and King Counties have policies in which officers are not allowed to call 911 unless they have an emergency situation, and this is strictly enforced. They will forward their policies to Millie.

Al Kear, GTE, indicated said the industry needs to look at router-to-router transfer between tandems for LNP (local number portability) and transferring wireless calls. He indicated GTE is currently working on this issue with plans for upgrading. Marlys indicated that she has already asked for a status report from US West on this issue.

An updated listing of Wireless Company Contacts for Phase I, compiled by Allen Jakobitz, State E911 Office, was distributed at the end of the meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled at the King County 911 Office at the King County Airport, 7300 Perimeter Road, South, Seattle on Thursday, December 11, 1997 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.

At the December meeting, the 1998 meeting schedule will be announced.

Assignments Made

  • Marlys Davis asked that the following September assignment be completed by the State E911 Office. (Hank Cramer, State E911 Office, will set up a meeting with wireline carriers to diagram trunking from the mobile switching center to the tandem to determine network costs.)
  • Marlys Davis asked that the following September assignment be completed by the State E911 Office. (Hank Cramer, State E911 Office, will lead a group of county people to look at CAD equipment cost projections. Lewis, Pierce and Kitsap counties volunteered to be part of that group.)
  • All wireless carriers will bring to the December meeting their definition of WA ANI and Phase I service (describing the distinction between the two services).
  • The State E911 Office will coordinate discussions with wireless carriers and PSAPs.
  • Al Kear, GTE, will provide Marlys Davis with a copy of NENA 2 data standards for distribution to wireless carriers at December meeting.


About Minutes and Handout Distribution

To conserve costs (fax, staff time, reproduction), only the minutes of the Wireless Subcommittee meetings will be faxed, not the handouts distributed at the meeting. Minutes will be faxed to all 911 coordinators as well as members of the subcommittee. If you were unable to attend a meeting and would like to receive a copy of the handouts, contact Penelope Christopherson, State E911 Office at 360-923-4517 or e-mail her at [email protected] to request a copy to be mailed. The handouts will only be mailed to those who were not in attendance. Be sure to provide your mailing address.