Keynote Speaker

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Captain Denny Fitch

On July 19, 1989, Captain Fitch was a passenger on United Airlines Flight 232. He was simply returning home after a week at his job as a pilot instructor in Denver, enjoying the ride at 37,000 feet. That was until a catastrophic failure in one of the engines cut all hydraulic controls in the airplane ­p; a problem so unthinkable that there was no procedure for dealing with it.

Denny Fitch volunteered his assistance to the cockpit, and with Captain Al Haynes and the rest of the crew, guided the plane to Sioux City, Iowa under the most trying of circumstances. While 112 souls perished in the terrifying crash landing, 184 people survived because of the incredible teamwork and leadership of the men in the cockpit and the control tower.

Without the use of any of the systems required to control the plane, Captain Fitch and his colleagues missed being completely successful by only a matter of inches. He and crew hold the distinguished record of the longest time aloft without flight controls who lived to tell about it.

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Mike Staley

Struck by a race car at the Daytona International Speedway at an estimated 160 mph in 1990, twenty-six year veteran Fire/Rescue Officer (retired) Mike Staley knows the power of impact! Forced to retire by the injuries he received, Mike is now an “Arsonist … of the Mind,” igniting the inner being of others. His story is about the love of friends who saved his life and helped him rebuild it; the lessons of self discovery and the courage it takes to meet overwhelming challenge. His introductory video, created by Rescue 911 and narrated by William Shatner, will amaze you.
Join us as Mike presents “If Not You… Who? If Not Now… When?” and take home more than good intentions.

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