2003-2004 Slate

2003-2004 Board of Officer Candidates

To learn more about the Candidates, you may click on left or on the individual names to find Bios they have submitted

Ballots have been mailed and should be returned to Alisa Simmons, Immediate Past President.  Ballots can also be returned at the TENA Conference in Plano.  Ballots will be accepted at the registration desk until noon, August 26, 2003.

Vice President Lisa Dodson
  Christy Williams
Treasurer Tino Fonseca
Secretary Debra Turner
  Gina LaRocca
East Regional Coordinator Sandra Brown-Embrey
  Yolanda Muhammad
  Bob Gunter
West Regional Coordinator Joe Lorkowski
Panhandle Deborah Yarnell
North Regional Coordinator Patty Cross
  Bettie Wesson Grimes
South Regional Coordinator Julie Saldana
  Leslie Sciba
Central Regional Coordinator Von Beals
  Carl Dorton
  Kenneth Maynard