To view the VoIP Presentation   that was presented at the 2004 SC APCO

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911 Coordinators,
At the SCNENA business meeting Friday, the members present voted to use the proposed NENA shell record designed for internet-based VOIP providers as a state standard. It is not mandatory that you use this record if you have another that you prefer. Vonage has been notified of this recommendation and we will let other providers know as they contact us. NENA has not finalized this record yet, so it may change, but Vonage is ready to implement in most counties and we did not want this to be a hold-up. The record is below.

Street Name = VOIP 9-1-1 Call (with or without dashes)

Community Name = County – PSAP Name

Again, this is just a recommendation from SCNENA and is not mandatory.
Tony Laird

To view theVoIP Presentation
that was presented at the 2004 SC APCO/NENA Conference
by Rick Jones, ENP with NENA National,

click here

learn more about VoIP from NENA National,

click here

learn more about VoIP  (NEW)

click here

For Information from Senate and House drafts,

click here