House Draft on VoIP              Senate Draft on VoIP


House Draft on VoIP              Senate Draft on VoIP



—–Original Message—–
From: Lisa Sidletsky [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 4:31 PM
To: Hardwick, Renee
Subject: VoIP and E9-1-1 Critical Issues Forum

Renee Hardwick


Dear Chapter President:


Please find below a message regarding the two upcoming CIFs on VoIP and E9-1-1.  If possible, please broadcast this to your chapter members.  We think it might be of interest to them.  We really appreciate your assistance in getting the word out!  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Also, please let me know if I have sent this to the wrong person.  I would like to correct our records.


Again, thanks, and regards!


Lisa Sidletsky

Director of Membership and Communications






While E9-1-1 services appear to be threatened by it, the next generation of E9-1-1 may depend on it. Two VoIP and E9-1-1 Critical Issues Forums, co-hosted by NENA and VON, are being held April 25-26 in Baltimore, MD and May 19-20 in Toronto, ON.


And, as a special bonus for NENA members registering to attend either CIF, a free one-day Introduction to VoIP course will be offered at both sites (April 24/May 18). Developed in partnership with Advanced Network Information, Inc, an internationally-known training company,  and NENA, the introductory course will help the 9-1-1 professional begin to understand the basics of this emerging technology, both to better deal with the current issues surrounding the increasing number of VoIP customers and the long-term ones regarding next-generation 9-1-1 PSAPs.


The VoIP and E9-1-1 CIF dates are near, however.   It is vitally important that this topic and its very rapid, ongoing development work, be presented to the 9-1-1 and VoIP communities, as soon as possible, to educate and stimulate further discussion and involvement.


Space is limited so, please, register as soon as possible. The hotel registration cutoff dates are April 9 for Baltimore (***extended from date in published brochure) and, April 26, in Toronto.


The $495 registration fee for NENA members may seem high, however, remember, all CIF-registered NENA members can attend the one-day VoIP introductory course (Voice over IP for ANI-one) absolutely free. Compare this to costs of other one day introductory courses being offered to the 9-1-1 community by outside companies ($490 for at least one vendor’s offering).


For further details, on-line registration, and hotel registration information, visit the web site and click on the VoIP and E9-1-1 CIF link on the right side of the page or, go directly to