NG E9-1-1





NG E9-1-1 Management Team Meeting – January 26, 2005

Representatives from 15 leading organizations in the communications industry met in Arlington, Virginia for the initial management team meeting of NENA’s Next Generation E9-1-1 (NG E9-1-1) Program. Summary of Management Team Meeting.

Industry Publications Tout NENA’s NG E9-1-1 Program:

Statement of Chairman Michael K. Powell on the Inception of the “Next Generation E9-1-1 Program” By the National Emergency Number Association

Groups Urge 911 Improvements

NENA Offers Program to Spur 911 as Congress Considers 911 Legislation

HBF Group, Inc. and NENA Team to Work Towards Next Generation E9-1-1 Technologies

TCS To Participate as Charter Partner in NENA’s Next Generation E9-1-1 Program

New Phone Technology Leaves 9-1-1 Behind

NENA Launches Next-Generation E911 Program


NG E9-1-1 Program Kick-off Press Conference

9-1-1 Association Announces “Next Generation E9-1-1 Program”, Urges Leadership, Participation and Commitment:

Washington, D.C. – Upgrading the nation’s 9-1-1 systems by implementing “next generation” technologies, procedures and best practices is the goal of a new program launched by the National Emergency Number Association (NENA).

“The Next Generation E9-1-1 Program is an open consultative process to improve our nation’s planning, leadership and innovation in the delivery of a fully functional 9-1-1 system that responds any time, anywhere from any device” said, NENA President, Bill McMurray.

Recognizing that new innovative ways to call 9-1-1 have emerged, NENA has been exploring how these same technologies, service offerings, and capabilities may in fact revolutionize the abilities for all 9-1-1 calls. A huge amount of technical definition work has already been done by NENA working groups. The Next Generation E9-1-1 Program is designed to facilitate and realize the future of E9-1-1 services.

McMurray added, “We are calling upon all 9-1-1 stakeholders and leaders to join us, as we are asking for their leadership, participation and commitment to make significant progress in realizing the full potential for 9-1-1 and emergency services.”

In the last several years, NENA has made a consistent plea to the federal government, state and local leaders and communications companies to work more closely together to accelerate the progress of E9-1-1 priority. Institutionalizing that plea and request is the impetus behind the NG E9-1-1 Program.

“We recognize that a lot of work needs to be done in 9-1-1; however, with a membership and professional organization of mostly volunteers we need the leadership, participation and commitment of others, to truly revolutionize the nation’s 9-1-1 system,” said Stephen Seitz, NENA’s Government Affairs Director and spokesperson. He added, “The NG E9-1-1 Program is an opportunity to consistently bring new ideas, leadership and expertise into 9-1-1 community by way of NENA.”

The NG E9-1-1 Program Overview

The Program is organized into three topic Roundtable groups around NENA disciplines and areas of concerns. The Roundtables include:

(1)   Technical Roundtable

(2)   Policy Roundtable, and

(3)   Operational/Educational Roundtable.

The Roundtables are scheduled to meet in person a maximum of four times a year in connection with regularly scheduled NENA meetings and activities. The work of the Roundtables is to enhance, not replace, the work of other NENA programs, activities, and committees. The three Roundtables form the foundation for further additional dialogue among stakeholders and are intended to help identify appropriate supplementary activities that are needed and to further NG E9-1-1 goals, work and principals.

All Roundtable participants are to provide one key representative per organization to join the Management Team, comprised of top NENA elected leadership and staff directors.

The NG E9-1-1 Program will hold its inaugural kick-off forum and management review on November 17, 2004 in Washington, DC. Details about the NG E9-1-1 Program specifics and charter partners will be released at that time.

A Partnership for Progress

The NG E9-1-1 Program represents the efforts of NENA’s members and allies to create a public-private partnership to further needed dialogue to improve the nation’s 9-1-1 system. NENA has recent success in such efforts, including its partnership with the United States Department of Transportation (US DoT), the Congressional E9-1-1 Caucus and Institute as well as other likeminded organizations to further the goals of 9-1-1 in North America and throughout the world.