You can now get your company logo placed on NENA

You can now get your company logo placed on NENA?s web site! Itwill appear on the front page and under the “9-1-1 Product Vendors” section.Don?t wait, sign up today and start to utilize this low cost form ofadvertising! 

As a vendor you are always looking for new audiences, well here is yourchance! While some say the Internet is just a passing phase, others have jumped on and areutilizing the web to its full potential. For those of you who have web sites already, comeget linked with NENA

Please read the following for detailed information on howto get LINKED!

NENA Web Site Advertising






NENA WebVertising Contact: Tim Rorris – NENA – 1560 Fishinger Road -Columbus, OH 43221


You will have the opportunity to create a 75×300 logo to be placed in arotating .Gif on the NENA Front Page. You will also get your logo and a short 3-5 linedescription and link under NENA?s “9-1-1 Product Vendors” page.


– All materials/logos must be submitted in .Gif /IBM format. The sizefor the logo for the front page must be 75×300 and the logo for the “9-1-1 ProductVendors” page must not exceed 100×200. (For examples please go to

– These logos may be attached to an email and sent to [email protected] ( You may also mail them to TimRorris at the address above.

– The text portion that will go into the “9-1-1 ProductVendors” page (1-5 lines) may be emailed to [email protected] and should contain yourcompany info (ie. company name, address, phone, brief product description, etc.). You mayalso mail them in an IBM format to Tim Rorris at the address above.

 I will:

Logos – O email them O mail them

Text – O email it O mail it


NENA sells this advertisement in a three month blocks at $50 per monthfor a total charge of $150. Your advertising will be for three months from the date ofthis contract.

 O Check O Visa O Mastercard O American Express


Card Number _______________________________ Expiration Date __________

NENA Representative



Please return this form to: NENA, 47849 Papermill Road,Coshocton, OH 43812 or email/fax it with credit card information to [email protected] / Fax 614-459-7709.

For questions contact Tim Rorris at (614)459-7707 oremail [email protected]

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