E911 Advisory Committee

E911 Advisory Committee

Wireless Work Group

King County E911 Office

7300 Perimeter Road South, Seattle

February 24, 1997 – 10 a.m.



Present: Marlys Davis, Wireless Committee Chair, King County; Bob Oenning, Allen Jakobitz, Penelope Christopherson, and Ken Back, State E911 Office; Joe Blaschka, AdComm; David Griffith, UTC; Doug Gehrke, Jody Bauer, and Karen Rivelli, US West; Thera Bradshaw, Clark County; Ross Baker, AT&T Wireless; and Bic Nguyen, Sprint PCS.


Absent: Jim Quackenbush, Thurston County; Dave Van Ness, Airtouch; Phil Moeller, Washington State Senate staff; Hank Cramer, State E911 Office; Terry Vann, WITA; PCS representation from GTE Mobile Net and Western Wireless; and Margaret Allen, Washington State House staff.


Standardization of ALI Display Screens

Identified need to standardize the ALI display for 10-digit ANI and cell site location information resulted in the formation of a sub-group. A recommendation is to be brought to the next Wireless Committee meeting. Some members identified to work with this group include Joe Blaschka, Clark, Pierce, King County, Grant and Lewis Counties (Spillman), and Kitsap and Franklin Counties (Integraph). Hank Cramer will provide E911 staff support.


Funding Issues

Discussion was had about what the effect of the Washington 1995 law has on the FCC Phase I ruling. Bob Oenning will obtain a copy of the testimony on agreement of wireless carriers in collecting only one-half the tax for ANI implementation. He will also obtain a legal opinion from the State Attorney General and Marlys Davis will obtain a legal opinion from King County about the FCC ruling and whether it supersedes the 1995 ANI Washington state law.


All wireless companies were asked to determine additional costs of implementing Phase I over and above the ANI required by Washington 1995 law.


Redraft of letter from 911 Coordinators to Wireless Carriers re: Notification of Request for Phase 1Service

Language was changed in the draft memo distributed to committee members. Marlys will rework the letter based on group input and will fax it out to the Wireless Committee for feedback.


The next meeting is scheduled at the King County 911 Office at the King County Airport, 7300 Perimeter Road, South, Seattle on Thursday, March 20, 1997 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Discussions will continue on cost recovery of mechanisms for Phase I wireless ANI/ALI implementation.