Using NENA Net

Using NENA Net NENA Net
No matter how hard we work to design these pages, the settings on your computer and software have a tremendous impact on what you see. Web design is not like printed material where everyone sees the exact layout you intended.

If you are in one of the following groups, please read the special tips that apply to you.

The following tips should make your use of NENA Net more productive and enjoyable.

Please feel free to email questions to [email protected].

General Tips – The following should benefit all users, but none of this is necessary to use NENA Net. We just think it will make your visit a little more enjoyable.

  • Upgrade to the most current browser software. Those of you still using version 2.x web browsers will not enjoy all the features of NENA Net. Microsoft Internet Explorer is free, so there is really no excuse for using an outdated browser. The home page has a link to download MSIE if you are interested.
  • Use 800×600 resolution if possible. While the site will work at 640×480, everthing gets a little scrunched up.
  • Use at least 256 color setting, everthing will look much better.
  • Use ARIAL Font. Change your browser’s default font setting to use ARIAL and everthing looks a little clearer. Directions for changing fonts for Explorer and Netscape

Do not assume that the default settings on your computer are the best it will do. It is always amazing to see someone with a 17″ monitor using it at 640×480 resolution!

If you know of a good tutorial on browsers or screen resolution settings, please forward the link to [email protected] and we’ll add it to this page.

Using the NENA NET Search FeatureWe have added a search page to help you locate information. There is a short help section included on the search page. If you can’t find something through the menu system, try a search.

Receive Email Notices When Information is AddedNENA has an email list server that maintains a list of email addresses and forwards notices to everyone that is subscibed to the list. This is the best way to keep up with the world of 9-1-1 and NENA. Details on joining the list are available.

America On-Line UsersThe newer version of AOL software uses Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) as the web browser. Pleae make sure you are using the most current software.

As an option, you can use regular IE as your browser. When you are connected to the Internet through AOL, start IE and browse away.

Netscape Navigator UsersWe design the site for IE, but try to keep everything usable in Navigator as well. The main problem we have is with fonts. IE allows the web designer to specify fonts, but Navigator uses the default font set in your browser. This often makes the text small and hard to read.

If you do not have IE, or for personal reasons refuse to use it, we suggest you change your font to ARIAL 14pt. This seems to be nearest the font size we use when designing the pages. Directions for changing fonts.

Microsoft Internet Explorer UsersWe design the site using Microsoft FrontPage and Explorer uses all the features we include. Remember that you can adjust the size of the font displayed by clicking the [Font] button on the tool bar. Each click makes the font one size larger until your reach the maximum size, then it returns to the smallest size. Adjust the font size to best suit your monitor and eyesight.

Updated 03/18/98 – © NENA, Coshocton, Ohio