NENA – Texas Chapter Board

NENA – Texas Chapter Board
1998-99 Panhandle Region Coordinator
Renee Wilson

I came to the 9-1-1 District October, 1992 being hired by Greg Petrey.  He gave his notice the day I started as he would be departing for Brazos County 9-1-1.  Fortunately, there wasn’t a secret message for me there!  I was grateful for the few weeks I had under Greg’s leadership and of course, I learned a great deal through long distance and observation at every meeting I could attend.

My background had been in the oil business- Human Resources and office management, and Marketing and Office Manager of our local Dinner Theatre.  I also did floral design for friends of local floral shops on holidays for fun!  Some of my other background involves many hours of Amarillo Little Theatre, (community musical theatre), our church choir, Amarillo (Symphony) Civic Chorus, Amarillo Opera and anything which involves antiques, art (painting – oils, water colors, lay-out), calligraphy especially through OJT and some through educational process.  I attended Amarillo Jr. College, (business and art classes) not degree’d however, and sorry to say.  My husband Hugh, is also very active in most of the music, theatre and collecting phases of our lives. 

One of my favorite things about 9-1-1 is the opportunities I’ve had in working with Texans in 9-1-1.  These people just don’t come any better and especially those Pub Ed people and Texas NENA.  As Data Base Manager and Addressing/Pub Ed Coordinator, the opportunities have been far more than anything I could ever hope to accomplish. I’m also very fortunate to work with my boss, Charlie Broomhead and our Board of Managers.  No matter where we go or what our job entails, hopefully everyday will be a better day because of 9-1-1.  I loved working on the Red E Fox Campaign and hope we can continue to encourage education and better opportunities for everyone who has and will ever use 9-1-1! 

 I’ve learned so much and continue to enjoy each day!  It’s much more than a job, it’s a pleasure on most any given day!  Please contact me if you need more information.

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