NENA – Texas Chapter Membership

Membership Application

When you become a member of the National Emergency Number Association, you are automatically a member of the state chapter. You join a special family dedicated to providing 9-1-1 emergency services “state wide.” You also become a part of the South Eastern Region, one of four regions in the national organization.

The Texas Chapter hosts two state meetings annually and is active in supporting one annual national meeting hosted by NENA. As a member of NENA, you will receive discounts on national and state meetings and other special training seminars and workshops offered. Personal contacts and vendor presentations keep you up to date on the latest technology and problem solving techniques.

NENA Membership Report

Current as of January 1998

The Texas Chapter has 497members!
1st in total state chapter membership
1st in the South Eastern Region!

If you have not received your Chapter pin
if you have any membership questions,
contact your
Regional Representative.

TOTAL Membership
Texas 497
North Carolina 485
Illinois 484

Texas Chapter Opens Lending Library forMembers

The Texas Chapter has established a resourcelibrary where members can check out materials on a limited basis.To date, materials include video and audio tapes from CareerTrack. Donations are appreciated. If you are interested indonating material or want more information about the library,contact ToniDunne.