Library Procedures

Lending Library




The NENA-TX Chapter has a variety of educational video and audio tapes that are available to the membership. Following, are the policy guidelines for this program.

1. NENA-TX will load videotapes and audiotapes only to members of the state chapter.

2. To borrow a tape, a member must complete and sign the “Lending Library Agreement Form.”

3. All requests to borrow materials will be made to the President of the NENA-TX Chapter or their designee.

4. All materials will be checked for quality and damage before sending out, and again upon return.

5. All materials will be sent by registered mail and each tape will be insured for its full value. NENA-TX will pay the cost of sending the material to the member. The member will incur the cost of return postage including insurance.

6. A copy of the signed agreement form will be enclosed with the material at the tie of shipment.

7. If the material is damaged and it is believed to be the fault of the member, steps will be taken for NENA-TX to receive compensation for the loss of the tape, as stated in the agreement form.

8. The “keeper” of the materials will provide an inventory report to the Board at the end of each term.