Implementing TQM

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Implementing Total Quality Management…. How to make TQM work in your organization

4-volume video set                    3 hrs. 47 min.

The quality revolution continues – join in now or get left behind.

  • Out of 50 factors, quality is the one that CEOs cite most often as critical to competitiveness.
  • The cost of poor quality is substantial. In manufacturing it’s estimated at 25-50% of sales dollars. In the service industry it’s as much as 40% of operating costs.

Clearly, improving quality is paramount in the minds of managers. But, it takes more than awareness – and good intentions – to make TQM a part of your organization. It takes solid training and a step-by-step plan.

That’s what you’ll get with Implementing Total Quality Management. It gives you the solid foundation you’ll need to get started on the right foot in your organization. And it provides an ideal opportunity to train yourself and your key people in the fundamentals of implementing TQM.


  • The quest for quality: why TQM is an ongoing journey with no final destination.
  • What today’s customers really want and how TQM can deliver
  • Why a healthy TQM environment encourages bad news along with good.
  • How a simple exercise clarifies the 4 key elements to TQM so everyone gets involved and understands.
  • Learning to use the yardsticks that measure success and setbacks of TQM.
  • The role of top management in implementing TQM (without it, TQM is dead before it starts).
  • What to do tomorrow: 6 ways to get started.