NENA – Texas Chapter Board

NENA – Texas Chapter Board
1998-99 North Region Coordinator
Lamerle Glidewell

Hi, my name is Lamerle Glidewell. I have been employed with Nortex Regional Planning Commission for ten and a half years. I originally came to Nortex RPC to be the Assistant Director of the MIHIA Program. In 1988, I was appointed to the position of 9-1-1/Criminal Justice Coordinator. At that time, the original plans were being prepared for the statewide 9-1-1 Project. I was the lucky one selected to complete that task for Nortex RPC. Within two years the 9-1-1 project became a full time job. In 1990, I became the Director of 9-1-1 Emergency Services. My duties consist of, but are not limited to, preparing the Regional Strategic Plan for 9 counties, supervision of two 9-1-1 specialists, public education, and the continuation of the addressing project. I am an active member of NENA, 9-1-1 Public Educators of Texas, and the 9-1-1 Coordinators Association with the Texas Association of Regional Councils (TARC).

I am very excited and thankful for the appointment to the 1998-99 TENA board. As a member I will work very hard to aid our great state of Texas with the difficult challenges we will face in the upcoming year. I will do my best to build the membership of our organization to make us the largest Chapter within NENA.

 I reside in beautiful Wichita Falls, Texas, which is the summer home of the Dallas Cowboys (YEA!). I have two wonderful sons Nicholas, 15; who is the best guitarist in the state of Texas and Michael, 12; whose name you will hear again when he becomes a professional soccer player. I also have a dog, Bear, and 12 fish (13 if you include my cyber fish, Bubbles). I enjoy golfing, skiing, and water activities. But nothing is more important to me then being an active mom in my children?s lives.

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