ENP Study & Exam

TENA ENP Exam & Study Session

When: August 24-25, 2003

Note: separate registration is required for each.

Where: Doubletree Legacy Hotel, Plano Texas

Register: [email protected]  

Cost: $15 for TENA members


Mini Agenda

Sunday 8/24/03

1:00 – 5:00 pm ENP exam study session

Monday 8/25/03

8:00 – 11:00 am ENP exam


TENA will host a study session for the ENP exam on Sunday, August 24, from 1-5 pm. The session will be led by Joe Schumacher from Intrado. If you are interested in attending this study session, please register bysending your name, agency, address, membership status, e-mail, phone and fax number to:[email protected]  

The following morning, NENA will host an ENP exam from 8 – 11 am. You mustregister to take the exam prior to August 4th through NENA. If you are interested in registering to take the exam, all of the pricing and instructions are available on the NENA web site at:


If you have questions or need further information on the exam or study session, you may contact Sherri Griffith Powell at (512) 305-6921.