The Adobe Acrobat Reader

The Adobe Acrobat Reader

The Adobe Acrobat reader software is available for MicrosoftWindows, Apple Mac’s, and selected Unix operating systems. User’smay download the program and use it at no charge.

The Acrobat program is available for downloading directlyfrom AdobeSystems

Adobe also provides information for configuring your Webbrowser to read these documents.

Microsoft Windows

To install the Adobe Acrobat Reader, follow these steps:

  1. Download the software. Follow Adobe’s menu system and click on the version for your computer system.
  2. Unpack the software. Change to the directory where you stored the software and either from the DOS prompt or from the Program Manager “File,” “Run” menu, enter the following: acrore.exe.
  3. Install the software. From the Program Manager “File,” “Run” menu, enter the following: acroread.exe. Follow the prompts to install the software.
  4. Configure the web browser to use the Adobe Acrobat Reader. In NETSCAPE, use the “Options”, “Preferences” menu. Then select the Helper Applications and add the pdf extention to the Mime Types. You will also be prompted by Netscape to configure a viewer when you download an Adobe Acrobat file. Netscape will prompt you through the installation process at that time.