Accessibility Check List

TDD/TTY Accessibility Checklist For PSAPS

The TDD/TTY Accessibility Checklist can be used as a tool in theself evaluation process required of all agencies. Developed originally to assist agenciesin Texas, this document incorporates requirements found within the ADA and common areasfound within settlement agreements. Once you have completed the checklist, you will have abetter idea of areas that may need further attention. Established operating procedures anda comprehensive training program are key to a successful emergency response system. Italso reflects the agency’s commitment to the protection of lives and property in thecommunity it serves. It is recommended that you maintain documentation of your evaluationprocess. And if, at some time, your agency is contacted by Justice, you will have answersreadily available.


The following is provided as a sample of questions that should beasked in a self analysis of your 9-1-1 system and services. The more questions that areanswered “yes”, the more likely the department will provide meaningful telephoneemergency response service to those using TDD/TTY. If “no”, you may want toconsider taking action and documenting a timeline.


Have the current services, policies, and practices, and the effectsthereof, that do not or may not meet the requirements, been evaluated and the extentmodification of any such services, policies, and practices is required, made necessarymodification?

Has the opportunity been provided to interested persons, includingindividuals with disabilities or organizations representing individuals with disabilitiesparticipated in the self-evaluation process by submitting comments?

Has the public entity made available to applicants, participants,beneficiaries, and other interested persons information regarding the provisions of thispart and its applicability to the services, programs, or activities of the public entity,and made such information available to them in such a manner as the head of the entityfinds necessary to apprise such persons of the protections against discrimination assuredto them by the ADA?

Does the entity that employs 50 or more persons have a publishedgrievance procedure providing for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints allegingany action that would be prohibited by the ADA.


Does the telephone emergency response system provide the same levelof service, i.e. Automatic Number Identification (ANI) and Automatic LocationIdentification (ALI), to all citizens, including those who call with a TDD/TTY?

In the event of individual line or system failure, is analternative method of receiving emergency calls accessible to TDD/TTY callers?

Are all consoles that are available for receiving emergency callsequipped with TDD/TTY accessible equipment?

Is redundancy in the 9-1-1 equipment provided for? If the answer tothe previous question is yes, are TDD/TTY accessible equipment included in the redundancyplan?

Does the equipment and method used to transfer emergency calls toother emergency services provide for accessibility with TDD/TTYs?

If your system utilizes automatic call distribution and includes anautomatic recording to the citizen who may be put into a queue until there is an availabletelecommunicator, does the recording include a TDD/TTY recorded message?

Do equipment upgrade or expansion plans include TDD/TTYaccessibility?

Does the recording equipment (which records incoming emergencylines) include recording the point of answer for TDD/TTY’s?

Are the TDD/TTY’s located where the call taker can switch fromvoice mode of communication to TDD/TTY without causing delay in answer time?

Can VCO (voice carry-over) and HCO (hearing carry-over) calls behandled with the current system?

If the TDD/TTY equipment has preprogrammed messages, have personswith hearing impairment been consulted regarding the appropriate language for TDD/TTYusers?

Has the center explored the feasibility of or have TDD/TTYdetection equipment installed?

Does the communications system have the capability to provideTDD/TTY access to alternative non-emergency numbers?

Can the call taker make a call back using a TDD/TTY?

Do you have a maintenance plan for the TDD/TTY equipment andprocedures (including documentation) for such?


Has your agency developed and implemented Standard OperatingProcedures (SOPs) for responding to TDD/TTY calls?

Have SOPs been written for TDD/TTY call handling and disseminatedto call-taking personnel?

Do secondary PSAPs have the capability to answer TDD/TTY calls?

Is the standard time for answering voice calls comparable to thatfor TDD/TTY calls?

Do the call-back procedures include contingencies for reaching acitizen who uses a TDD/TTY?

Does the center keep entries or statistics of TDD/TTY calls?

Are there procedures for handling Telecommunication Relay Services(TRS) calls?

Has the agency developed and incorporated effective methods fortransferring TDD/TTY calls to the fire department or EMS? (note: only applicable if voicecalls are handled this way.)

Has the agency developed and implemented SOPs for processing silentopen-line calls? Does the call taker interrogate the line for a possible TDD/TTY call?(see Title II Technical Assistance Manual)

Is there a program in place to test the TDD/TTY with the overallsystem?


Are there minimum TDD/TTY training requirements fortelecommunicators?

Does the agency provide a comprehensive TDD/TTY training programfor all call takers?

Are refresher classes provided at a minimum of every 6 months?

Is someone assigned to follow technological development through thevarious public safety associations and add these innovations into the training regiment?


Have members of the disability community been consulted in theself-evaluation process, including the creation of standard operating procedures and thedevelopment of training.

Has a public awareness program been developed and implemented, tonotify citizens using TDD/TTYs of the department’s accessibility and services?

Does the local telephone directory indicate direct access totelephone emergency services for TDD/TTY users? (DOJ has provided approved language)

* the Americans with Disabilities Act: P.L.101-336, Title II,Section 35.162