Pictures from 1998 NENA Texas Chapter Spring Conference

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Images from the
Waco Convention Center – Waco, Texas
April 20-22, 1998

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TC Award Recipient Daniel Morones (rt), Red E. Fox and a Silent Hero
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Red E. Fox getting last minute instructions from Sherri Powell
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Father of 9-1-1 in Texas, Representative Bill Carter and Red E. Fox
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Cadillac Jack event sponsors from True Position, others Sylbia Barrahas and Yolanda Mohamed
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Texas Association of the Deaf 9-1-1 Committee member, Melvin Rueffer with interpreters. Toni Dunne and Ben Goodloe prepare for the luncheon in the background
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Brian Dunkle, of Integraph, brings his 9-1-1 race car to the show
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Texas Flag waves proudly over the Texas Ranger Museum
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Cemetary next to the Texas Ranger Museum seems to have “No Vacancy”
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Texas Ranger Museum & Historical Markers marks the spot for Telecommunicator Appreciation Dinner
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Vendor Hall Reception
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Our vendors hard at work
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A Trolley Ride to the Texas Ranger Museum brings smiles
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Emily Stluko leads the “chow line” at the Plant Sponsored event
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NENA President Bill Munn with 2nd VP Bill Hinkle and Southeastern Region VP Laverne Hogan
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Bobby D. & the Rockhouse Band entertains us at Cadillac Jacks following the Texas Ranger Museum banquet
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Entertainment at the Texas Ranger Museum
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Texas Ranger Museum reception
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A REAL Texas Ranger – Cleat Buckalew – tells us true stories
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Toni Dunne and Chris Pikulinski pleased that everyone is having a good time
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Cadillac Jack Party
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1998 TC Award Recipient Daniel Morones
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1998 TC Award Recipient Ingrid Massingill
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1998 TC Award Recipient Marilyn Barlow
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1998 TC Award Recipient Shauna Melton
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1998 TC Award Recipient Delia Martinez
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1998 TC Award Recipient Linda McDonald
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1998 TC Award Recipient Rhonda Goldthorn
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1998 TC Award Recipient David Haney
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1998 TC Award Recipient Maria Dimas
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1998 TC Award Recipient James Pickett
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1998 TC Award Recipients Julie Watts and Tammy Johnson meet the life they saved
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1998 TC Award Recipient Renee Bandefur
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President, Toni Dunne, gives appreciation awards to Chris Pikulinski and Patty Cross for outstanding service the the NENA-TX Chapter
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The former USO Team receives recognition for outstanding performance on the U.S.S. Lexington. From Left to Right: Toni Dunne, Sonya Lopez, Rene Wilson, David Connell, Ronny Talamentes, Rob Bondurant, Janet Cowart, Donna Naylor, Carrol Hansen, Marsha Reed, Ben Goodloe
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Mike Pedigo, Chair of the C&B Committee, proposes changes
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Ronnie Talamentes talks about the Communications Committee which includes the Internet and Newsletter
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Joanna Hollingsworth, Past President and Chair of the Historian Committee addresses the membership