NENA’s 9-1-1 Tutorial

9-1-1 Tutorial

The NENA 9-1-1 Tutorial is presented by NENA’s Technical Committeesand is available in both Adobe PDF format and Microsoft PowerPoint ’97 format.Both formats contain notes that coincide with each slide. Click below todownload the version of your choice:

9-1-1 Tutorial (Adobe PDF; 225K)

  • Use Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 to view and print the 9-1-1 Tutorial slides and notes. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader free at

9-1-1 Tutorial (PowerPoint ’97; 650K)

  • You mayuse your browser to open the Power Point file now by clicking on the file link above.However, we recommend you save the 9-1-1 Tutorial (PPT) to your computer thisway:  Right click on the file link and use your browser’s”Save As” or “Save Target As” feature to save the Tutorialto your computer. Then, open the 9-1-1 Tutorial using your PowerPoint program.