


From: Brooks Fiber Communications
Date: 05 Sep 1997
Time: 09:45:12
Remote Name:


There needs be a standard for recieving error reports.Currently everbody is doing it differently and some are not doingit at all. Faxes are unaccpectable because they can not easly beloaded into a database. We also need a way to track a file afterit has been sent. Once you send a file there should beconfirmation that the other party recieved it and the size andnumber of records are the same as you sent. We have had manytroubles sending files that would could easly forseen if we hadthese standards. Another thing is Kermit and zmodem filetransfers. We a large company that has to transmit large filesdaily and this method just is not working. Either there is busysignal on thier end or your large file ends up timeing out. Weneed get a standard together for NDM or EDI and get rid of thisPC junk. Ya it’s fine for small stuff, but when you have a largefile it can 7 to 10 hours transmit.
