Wireless Cost Recovery Information

Wireless Cost Recovery Information:

Attachment 1           Attachment 2            Attachment 3          Attachment 4

PSAP Phase 2 Implementation
For safety and financial reasons, please contact your CPE, CAD, LEC and CMRS providers and begin your jurisdiction’s implementation of Phase 2 immediately.

Attachment 1 is a form Request for Phase 1 which some of you need to send to Sprint or other CMRS Providers which have recently entered your area.

Attachment 2 is a Phase 2 request form for you to complete and send to your county’s CMRS providers if you are Phase 2 ready or will take delivery within six months of all  equipment and software necessary to process the ALI information.

Your CPE, CAD and CMRS vendors should assist you in determining what you will need.

Attachment 3 is the PSAP Application for Cost Recovery which may be submitted at any time.

Your costs of achieving readiness for Phase 2, including GIS, 20% of CPE (911 Consoles), and 15% of Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) equipment, software and maintenance for five years are eligible for reimbursement from the CMRS E-911 surcharge fund.

Attachment 4 is a form for  ordering the necessary Phase 2 services from your Local Exchange Carrier (LEC, telco).

Any questions concerning mapping and addressing would be addressed most effectively to David Alexander, Office of Research and Statistics, atdalexander@drs.

Please contact Jim Rion at[email protected] or 803-896-0366 or Tony Laird, the State 911 Coordinator at[email protected]