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Please complete and submit the following information.

August 7, 1998

Dear PSAP Manager:

As you know, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules requirethat wireless telephone companies, such as cellular and PCS service providers, be able torelay to “the designated Public Safety Answering Point” (1) the telephone numberof a wireless caller who dials 9-1-1, and (2) the location of the cell site or basestation first receiving that wireless call. In other words, Automatic NumberIdentification (ANI) and “pseudo-ANI” (PANI) associated with the cell site orbase station are to be selectively routed to the correct PSAP corresponding to thecaller?s location.

This set of requirements, known as “Phase I” of thewireless 9-1-1 caller identification and location rules, could have been put into place asearly as April 1, 1998. Before that happens, however, a PSAP must:

  1. request this ANI/ALI selective routing service from the wireless carrier or carriers serving its jurisdiction;
  2. be prepared to receive and use the 10 digits of the caller?s number – – area code plus
  3. number – – and the 7 to 10 digits of the PANI (cell site ID). In some cases, PSAP equipment would have to be upgraded, in other cases not, depending on the means of passing the data; and

  4. have in readiness, through the state or appropriate local government, a “funding mechanism” to reimburse the wireless carrier for its reasonable and prudent costs of upgrading the wireless system to allow the selective routing of the ANI and the PANI.

The Congress, the FCC and the press are asking NENA constantly aboutthe progress of Phase I implementation. We don?t know unless you tell us. So pleaseanswer the following questions as accurately as you can and send us your answers asquickly as possible.

· Has your PSAP implemented Phase I? That is, are your wireless carriers routing selectively to the correct PSAP the ANI and PANI of wireless callers to 9-1-1?

Yes No

· If not, why not? (For example, have you not asked for the service; and if not, is it because you are not ready or there is no funding mechanism?)

· When you implement Phase I, please let NENA know. We expect to be ready by

· We implemented wireless ANI/ALI on



Bill Stanton, Executive Director, NENA