Member Contact Search

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Member Contact Search

New NENA Member Search

Secure Online Member Search

NENA is pleased to announce the completely new member directory search! In conjunction with TCS Labs, NENA can now provide members with far more information than was previously available.

Log In Now:  Use your email address as your username and enter your password. If you have not set up a username and password on the new database yet, please do so. The request will be processed promptly, usually one business day.
Use of NENA MemberSearch:  The NENA MemberSearch Online Membership Directory continues to be copyrighted and may not be used for the purpose of compiling a mailing, faxing or emailing list for commercial or private use.  Membership mailing labels are available for purchase (for approved use) from NENA by calling NENA Headquarters at (800) 332-3911.