9-1-1 and Your VoIP Service

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9-1-1 and Your VoIP Service

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone service is a rapidly growing alternative to traditional phone service. Its popularity is fueled primarily by low prices, new features and the consumer’s ability to choose a phone number from nearly anywhere in the country (and sometimes, other countries). Many industry experts anticipate VoIP’s growth will outpace the growth seen by the wireless industry in the last decade.

 While VoIP is an attractive option, it is important for consumers to understand the potential limitations the technology has with respect to accessing 9-1-1.

The web site, www.911voip.org was created to help educate consumers on VoIP telephone service as it relates to accessing 9-1-1 emergency services.

911VoIP.org was formed by four Texas 9-1-1 agencies who recognized the importance of educating the public on the potential limitations of VoIP when making calls to 9-1-1. The contributing agencies to this public education campaign are the Denco Area 9-1-1 District, Greater Harris County 911 District, North Central Texas Council of Governments, and Tarrant County 9-1-1 District.

NENA has since assumed site responsibility and its content management is under direction of NENA’s public education committee. For additional information or comments, please contact Christy Williams, committee chair ([email protected]) and/or Rick Jones, Operations Issues Director ([email protected]).

For additional information, check out the below linked sites. 

FCC Consumer Facts – VoIP and 9-1-1

FCC and general VoIP information