Company ID

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Company ID list

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Company ID list – comma-delimited format

ONLINE Company ID Form

Sign up for New Company ID

Update Existing Company ID

Notice: Company ID submissions from 12/6/2006 through 12/12/2006 using the online forms to the right were not received due to technical problems. Please re-submit your online application. For questions, please call 703.812.4600 x20. 

NENA Company ID Registration Service

The evolution of telecommunications, i.e. Number Portability and Number Pooling, has necessitated the need to display Company Identifications (CIDs) of the associated Access Infrastructure Providers and Data Providers for each telephone number to the PSAP. This need is driven by two factors:

  • Speed of identification by PSAPs
      – When a PSAP needs to quickly contact the Access Infrastructure Provider and/or Data Provider for busy line interrupt, call trace, and other emergency actions, the use of NPANXX for service provider Identification is no longer effective due to porting, geographic number assignment (e.g., Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and pooling activity.
– Company IDs must be applied to all 9-1-1 data base records.
– It is mandatory that an accurate 24×7 contact number be provided for each Company ID.
– Data Base and/or Access Infrastructure Providers are required to register a Company ID with NENA and have a mandatory 24×7 contact number for exigent circumstances.
– The preferred method for answering the mandatory 24×7 contact number by a live person, without IVR functions. In cases where a company requesting a NENA ID does not have 24×7 assistance, such as PS911 or small rural telephone companies, the daytime number (NOC/Repair) must have a recording indicating how someone from the company can be contacted after hours.
– Assistance for the following types of concerns must be available at this number either by direct assistance or transfer to the appropriate department:
o Call Trace
o Trap and Trace
o Address Information
o Busy Line Verification and/or Interrupt
o CPE/Network Repair
o Security Concerns
Any entity with a NENA Company ID shall be required to ensure that all their information is current and accurate. The Company Identifier Database Input Form shall be completed and submitted to NENA immediately upon the effective date of any change
  • Data Base Management System Provider

    Supports tracking, completeness, and accuracy in 9-1-1 data record processing by both the Access Infrastructure Provider and the Data Provider.

    – Aids in the administration and management of discrepancy resolution among multiple companies.

– When NENA Data Versions 2.1, 3 or 4 are used, the data record address source’s Company ID will be displayed in the Data Provider Company ID field when the Service Provider originating a 9-1-1 call is not the same Service Provider that supplies the source data base address record; i.e., CLEC Reseller, PS911, VPC (VoIP Positioning Center).

Purpose of the NENA Company ID Registration Service
A national 9-1-1 Company ID registration point was implemented by NENA Standards work groups in 1996, and subsequent work has been directed to making this service a part of the NENA Web Site, for general access. This approach is intended to support standardization of 9-1-1 Company Identifiers (CIDs), and to supply a single point of administration for the Company ID file content and update.

Listing the registered Company IDs in the NENA Company ID database allows Access
Infrastructure Providers and Data Providers, states, counties, cities, and PSAPs to access and use the Company ID information. The NENA Company ID in the 9-1-1 ALI record allows the PSAP to quickly identify the Access Infrastructure Provider and/or Data Provider for the caller’s telephone number, and to determine the 24×7 number of the company for emergency contact needs. In the NENA Company ID database description, if the company has a national switching center that takes calls from PSAPs for emergency assistance, the company needs only one NENA Company ID for this purpose. If a company has multiple emergency contact numbers, a unique Company ID must be created for each 24×7 telephone number and the company must submit the geographic areas supported by that number to be listed in the NENA Company ID database.
A national 9-1-1 Company ID registration point was implemented by NENA Standards work groups in 1996, and subsequent work has been directed to making this service a part of the NENA Web Site, for general access. This approach is intended to support standardization of 9-1-1 Company Identifiers (CIDs), and to supply a single point of administration for the Company ID file content and update.

Listing the registered Company IDs in the NENA Company ID database allows Access
Infrastructure Providers and Data Providers, states, counties, cities, and PSAPs to access and use the Company ID information. The NENA Company ID in the 9-1-1
ALI record allows the PSAP to quickly identify the Access Infrastructure Provider and/or Data Provider for the caller’s telephone number, and to determine the 24×7 number of the company for emergency contact needs. In the NENA Company ID database description, if the company has a national switching center that takes calls from PSAPs for emergency assistance, the company needs only one NENA Company ID for this purpose. If a company has multiple emergency contact numbers, a unique Company ID must be created for each 24×7 telephone number and the company must submit the geographic areas supported by that number to be listed in the NENA Company ID database.

Who Needs A Company ID?

In all NENA Data Exchange Formats, it is necessary for all Access Infrastructure Providers and Data Service Providers to have a valid NENA Company ID.
NENA Data Exchange Formats Version 2.1, 3 and 4, contain fields for two Company IDs to be displayed.
– The Access Infrastructure Providers who provide the network access to a communication path will need to obtain a NENA Company ID to populate the Access Infrastructure Provider field.
– The Data Service Provider who has immediate access to the actual location
information/address populated in the ALI record, for example Resellers, PS911s, VPCs and Third Party Data Providers, will need to obtain a NENA Company ID to populate the Data Service Provider field.
Applying for a NENA Company ID

For your convenience, NENA has created an online Company Identifier Data Base Input Form  This form can be completed in several ways:
– Online
– Fax: 703 812-4675
– USPS mail: 4350 North Fairfax Drive Suite 750, Arlington, VA 22203-1695

An annual fee per Company ID is as follows and is based on the company’s subscriber size.

Annual Fee
Applies to:
Telecommunications entities with 0 to 24,999 access lines under their control, or 1 to 24,999 service subscribers in service (includes Private switch/multiline telephone system users – including IP-based MLTS)
Telecommunications entities with 25,000 to 99,999 access lines under
their control, or 25,000 to 99,999 service subscribers in service
Telecommunications entities with 100,000 to 499,999 access lines under
their control, or 100,000 to 499,999 service subscribers in service
Telecommunications entities with 500,000 or more access lines under
their control, or 500,000 or more service subscribers in service

The above rates are for each ID registered and administered by NENA. Please note it is not
necessary to be a NENA member to obtain a NENA Company ID. Once the NENA Company ID has been processed and assigned, NENA will invoice the company for the applicable fee.

Company IDs must be unique to a particular entity. The company requesting a NENA Company ID will search the existing list of IDs to ensure the chosen ID does not already exist in the data base.

The chosen Company ID code structure can be Alpha and/or Numeric, and should be easily identified as the company’s name and recognizable to the PSAP. All IDs in the database must be unique, and comprised of a minimum of three (3) characters and a maximum of five (5)..

The preferred method for answering the mandatory 24×7 telephone number is by trained personnel, not a pager or recording. In cases where a company requesting a NENA ID does not have 24×7 assistance, such as PS911 or small rural telephone companies, the daytime number (NOC/Repair) must have a recording indicating how someone from the company can be contacted after hours. This number will allow the PSAP to contact the company’s support center (i.e. a NetworkOperationsCenter or NOC, and/or RepairCenter), for line interrupts, call traces, network outage, or other exigent circumstances.

The listed Company Identifier shall be served by a single 24×7 telephone number. Multiple types of service may be selected as long as the 24×7 number is the same for all types of service. The area covered by the 24×7 number may be national, regional, a single state, or other combinations. Please concisely indicate coverage area in the “Area Supported” field by the use of two-character state abbreviations (OH, VA, CA, OK), or “ALL USA” to indicate all states. In the event of a US territory, use US and the two-character abbreviation of the territory, example USVI, United States Virgin Islands. If a state is broken up into geographic categories, please indicate specific regional coverage to include specific county, city, or other geographic area including the state.

NOTE: In general, the Canadian PSAPs, Local Service Providers and 9-1-1 Service Providers do not use the NENA Company ID registration. Throughout Canada, the provincial 9-1-1 Database Service Provider manages locally the assignment of all Local Service Provider ID (LSP ID) codes (Company ID) used in their territory. At this time, In three provinces (Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick), both a Voice LSP ID and a Data LSP ID are used for each 9-1-1 transaction record and ALI display.

The Admin Contact Person must verify the Company ID information on the NENA web page at least quarterly to ensure all data is accurate.

What To List On The Company ID Table

The NENA Company ID table contains the following information, which could assist the PSAP in locating valuable information in a time of urgency.

Company ID
Company Name
Area Supported by 24×7 TN
24×7 TN (need different
Company ID for each
different 24×7 number)
Type of Local Services
OCNs (enter all) (50-60
characters, 5 characters
each; separate with commas
Admin Contact Name
Admin Contact Title
Admin Contact Email
Admin Contact Phone Nbr
Admin Contact Fax Nbr
Address 1
Address 2

Each Company ID will include the type of local services the company offers. The selection options will be:
o Cable Digital
o CLEC Facility
o CLEC Resell
o Co-Op/Rural
o PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant
o Wireless/Cellular/PCS
o VoIP
o VoIP Reseller
o Other (must identify)
A unique Company Identifier is required for each 24×7 telephone number. Multiple types of service may be selected as long as the 24×7 number is the same for all types of service.


                                          EXAMPLE TABLE

PBX/PS911/Shared Tenant

The 24×7 number reflected must be able to provide assistance for or access to the database contact, network contact, etc.


The following five statuses will be listed in the NENA Company ID database:
– A: Active CompanyID

I: Inactive – no payment received within 6 months of billing

– C: Cancelled – no payment in over 2 years OR an Acquisition/Merger/Consolidation
(CANCELLED – SEE NEWID) Old Company Name
EXAMPLE: (Cancelled – See VERIZ) GTE Telephone Operations

– O: Out of Business

– P: Pending Payment – used when issuing invoice to new company

                Company Name Changes (Acquisitions and Mergers)

When a company makes a change to its name due to a change in ownership, merger, etc., all Company ID’s must be updated with current and accurate contact information.

Making the required changes to your NENA Company ID will not initiate a change to the NENA Company ID populated on the records with the Data Provider. All records must reflect the correct Company ID of the Access Infrastructure Provider and/or Data Provider. To accomplish this, the new Company owner must contact each Data Provider and/or Database Management System Provider to coordinate the Company ID changes to the new ID. You may also need to contact the state PUC/PSC to provide the updated information.

Please contact NENA, at 800-332-3911, if you have any questions.