N. American 9-1-1 Resource DB

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N. American 9-1-1 Resource DB

National PSAP Registry Database Access

The National PSAP Registry has been integrated and expanded into what is now called “The North American 9-1-1 Resource Database.â€? This central database will continue to fulfill the NPR’s original purpose for supporting PSAP personnel to locate and contact other PSAPs during critical call transfer situations.

The  “9-1-1 System Reference Guide,” composed of information included in the expanded North American 9-1-1 Resource Database, facilitates service provider FCC compliance and each PSAP’s strong need to maximize emergency 9-1-1 call delivery on dedicated 9-1-1 trunks and minimize emergency calls on 10 digit lines.
  • NENA’s database, comprised of five unique product tools, integrates the National PSAP Registry (NPR) and reflects the NPR’s expanded objective to facilitate communication between public safety stakeholders. This central database will continue to fulfill the NPR’s original purpose in supporting PSAP personnel in locating other PSAPs during critical call transfer situations. The database is comprised of the following:

    • The National PSAP Registry allows a PSAP to effectively obtain the contact information of a PSAP in another county or state when it receives an emergency call involving another jurisdiction. 

    • 9-1-1 System Reference Guide gives service providers the information they need to research and contact PSAPs and selective router service providers for planning/informational purposes, and to support FCC-compliant 9-1-1 call routing.

    • Manual Routing Data for Call Centers has been developed exclusively for validated call centers needing to connect their callers with identified emergency needs to a PSAP for the caller’s location.


    • Marketing/Mailing Listing provides commercial vendors with PSAP mailing addresses and contact names resident within the North American 9-1-1 Resource Database for marketing purposes. No telephone numbers or email addresses are included.

    ·        PSAP Contacts Listing was developed for 9-1-1 service providers to have the     information needed to contact PSAPs within their established service areas for initial service establishment or ongoing service provisioning issues.


    PSAP Managers who wish to have their PSAP removed from either or both of the Marketing/Mailing List or Manual Routing Data for Call Centers List should click here.