September14-16, 2003 Toronto, Ontario

September14-16, 2003 Toronto, Ontario


Ourtheme this year is “Focus on Wireless”, the Ontario rollout and lessons fromphase 1 with preparation and understanding for phase II. You will have theopportunity during the conference to meet with many varied vendors, network withmunicipalities and emergency services across the province; attend a number ofgeneral sessions on educational and technological enhancements, and tourPSAP’s to see the latest in operational design. We encourage you to connectand network with old colleagues and reach out to embrace new counterparts. Sharethe conference and your learning experience. These two days will have a positiveimpact on you and your organization. Have a great time. What an excitingopportunity.

Whoshould attend:

Allwho are interested in the operation and understandingof 9-1-1 such as;

9-1-1PSAP Managers, Supervisors, Trainers

Provincial,Municipal and local co-ordinators

9-1-1Service Providers



EmergencyManagement Agencies and co-ordinators

EmergencyService Providers



Whyyou should attend:

Takethis local opportunity to hear from local and national professionals. Stay onthe leading edge of this incredible industry, understand the rapid changes in9-1-1 public safety communications, understand and be ready to implementimportant wireless 9-1-1 issues, network with peers for a wide range ofdifferent views and perceptivities in managing the PSAP, take charge of yourpersonal development, review operations alternatives, training opportunities,GIS, mapping and addressing, administration and national issues, technologyadvancements, participate in site visits with PSAP’s, register to become acertified Emergency Number Professional by taking the ENP examination or attend a Pre-Conference Course: 9-1-1 Public Education (In theTrenches)


Workshopsand Speakers:

Theconference will start with a motivational and highly enlightened perspective onour industry by the President of NENA’s National office, Richard Taylor, ENP. You will have the opportunity to hear from Norm Forshee, ENP on the firstsuccessful implementation of Phase II wireless and hear about the milestonesrequired along the way. A review and discussion panel will take place with theToronto and York Regional participants of the Phase I Wireless Trial, take this opportunity to learn from theirexperiences, their training implications and procedural considerations. Meetwith the Ontario Advisory Board (OAB), who are supporting your needs across theprovince. Emergency Measures Ontario (EMO) are also actively becoming involvedwith 9-1-1 in Ontario. Find out how these organizations can work with you andhow you can get involved. We welcome to the conference the Canadian WirelessTelecommunications Association (CWTA). The NENA Ontario Web site will list theworkshops and speakers as the sessions are confirmed. Continue to check the website for details.



Vendorsfrom Canada and the US will be displaying and demonstrating the latest fromheadsets to communications and dispatch consoles, radio and CAD enhancements,PBX location solutions and Wireless Phase I & II functionality.

Visitthe NENA Ontario web site  forupdates on a regular basis.