NENA Ontario Chapter -Canadian Region Minutes July 16, 1999

National Emergency Number Association
Ontario Chapter

Canadian Flag


July 16, 1999 – Charlotte, NC

The meeting took place, as part of the National Emergency NumberAssociation (NENA) ’99 Charlotte conference, at the Charlotte Convention Centre,in Charlotte (NC) on July 16, 1999 at 07:30 AM

Attendees :

Greg Bell – CML Technologies Inc., Quebec
PamBeninato – Bell Canada, Ontario
Ronald Bonneau – NENA Canada Regional VP, Illinois, USA
Bernard Brabant – Bell Canada, Quebec
Peter Couillard – Ottawa-Carleton 9-1-1, Ontario
Norm Forshee – NENA Second Vice President (USA)
Sally Freeman – Hastings/Quinte 9-1-1, Ontario
Rick Galway – Etobicoke Fire Department, Ontario
Ted Greene – York Region, Ontario
Bruce Herridge – York Regional Police, Ontario
Jane MacNeil – Nova Scotia EMO, Nova Scotia
Teresa Mansfield – Bell Canada, Ontario
Debi McGrath – Seaway Communications 9-1-1, Ontario
Sheryl McPhail – York Regional Police, Ontario
Chuck Murdock – RCMP Ottawa, Ontario
John Moligneaux – York/Newmarket Fire Hall, Ontario
Eric Parry – Criterion Consulting Services, British Columbia
Sharon Rice – RCMP Halifax, Nova Scotia
Andrew Schaper – York Regional Police, Ontario
Rick Wells – R.K. Wells & Associates, British Columbia


* Each participant introduced her/himself. It was noted that over 42Canadians were attending the NENA 99 conference.

* Ron Bonneau indicated that, he was filling in the role of NENACanada Region Vice President on an interim basis, for now. The challenge wasthat the Canadian membership is very small when we look at the four other NENARegions. Any member can seek office in NENA.

* Ron briefly mentioned that, as representative of NENA Canada, heparticipated to a face-to-face meeting and a conference call with both theCanadian Wireless Enhanced 9-1-1 Working Group and the CRTC Industry SteeringCommittee – Emergency Service Working Group (CISC – ESWG) to assess Canadianrequirements.

* Ron was pleased with its participation to both meetings, the chairsasked Ron to make comments. Further, David Meadows, Canadian Radio-televisionand Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) representative to these 9-1-1 workinggroups asked Ron about rulings in the United States. NENA Canada Region plansto provide contributions to these working groups when appropriate.

* Ron stated that the next step for NENA Canada Region is to create aCanadian “Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Advisory Group”. Therole of that group would be to identify, define and promote 9-1-1 requirementsfor Canadian PSAPs and each provincial 9-1-1 Advisory Organization. Thevolunteers for the PSAP Advisory Group are asked to contact Ron Bonneau at (708)841-2203 or at his e-mail address: [email protected]

* Norm Forshee explained what was NENA position with APCO’s proposalof May 25th that suggests rapid movement toward ALI-capable new handsets byDecember 2001, but would require the next four years to make the embedded baseof handsets ALI-capable. He indicated the danger was that the filing coulddelay Wireless Phase II for another 5 years. Various issues are at stake likenon-initiated phone, ? If the waiver is approved; the Wireless ServiceProviders (WSPs) would have nothing to do at the cell site/sector level. Hefurther stated that NENA is taking that matter very seriously and went directlyto the FCC. (NENA letter to the FCC is available at the NENA web site). Inaddition others will assist Mr. Hobson, the lawyer representing NENA at the FCC.

* Norm provided insights to some Wireless trials in the United Statesof America. The New Jersey Wireless Phase II Trial was turned off, even if itwas working fine. This was due to contractual paper… He further indicatedthat a Houston (Texas) politician said negatively, talking about the HoustonWireless Phase II Trial, that: “If it save life, we won’t be able to turnit off?”

* Norm indicated that self-funding by the WSPs went bad (too high). The WSPs wanted an overhead surcharge ruled by the FCC. As an example, RonBonneau indicated that in Chicago the wireless surcharge is 1.25$ a month. Chicago 9-1-1 has access to 20% of the WSPs Central fund. With that sum ofmoney, they hired 20% more telecommunicators (call takers and dispatchers).

* Other wireless related issues were mentioned. In particular theexpectation that CRTC should render, in October 1999, its decision on TelecomPublic Notice CRTC 98-25 – 9-1-1 Rates – Wireless Service Providers (WSPs),Centrex Customers and Multi-line Customers / Manual Automatic LocationIdentification Request. Ron Bonneau indicated that NENA will get involved.

* The CRTC web URL address is:

* Ron will request that an hyper link be set to the CRTC web from theNENA web site URL:

* The Nova Scotia MT&T Mobility – Wireless 9-1-1 Trial was alsobriefly mentioned.

* NENA Canada Region saw twenty-seven (27) new members joining sinceFebruary 1999. Another four (4) members were added during the NENA 99Conference.

* Norm Forshee indicated that the S-800 legislation, sponsored by USSenator McLean was aimed at providing the number 9-1-1 across the USA.

* Ron Bonneau proudly indicated that the Canadian anthem was signduring the NENA 99 Conference opening ceremony. It used to be only music.

* Next are listed Canadian items that were highlighted during thebrief meeting (1-hour).

1. There is a requirement for a NENA Canada Region web page. Someonesuggested contacting Sandy Ott?

ACTION: Ron Bonneau

2. There is a need for more PSAP participation.


3. There is a necessity for promoting communications within the newRegion. Ron will ensure that a Canada Region article be included in each NENANews bulletin. Ron indicated that he asked Judy Broomfield (Metro Toronto9-1-1) to provide the first one.

ACTION: Ron Bonneau and any member wishing to provide insights

4. Due to travelling restrictions, and to allow direct contact withthe NENA Canadian members, it was suggested that NENA Canada Region officiallymeet at the APCO Canada Conference scheduled for October 18 to 21, 1999 inFredericton, NB, Canada. For information, the Conference chairperson is:

Jim Flanagan
P.O. Box 3900
1445 Regent St.
Fredericton, NB
Canada E3B 4Z8
(506) 452.3960

ACTION: Ron Bonneau and members wishing to attend

5. It was also recommended that the new PSAP Advisory Group focus onprovincial requirements.

ACTION: Ron Bonneau and members of the PSAP Advisory Group

6. Teresa Mansfield and Bruce Herridge (York Police) volunteered tohelp Ron Bonneau putting together a new NENA Canada Region introduction packageto be presented to all PSAPs in Canada.

ACTION: Ron Bonneau, Teresa Mansfield and Bruce Herridge

7. NENA will send an official letter to the CRTC and to IndustryCanada identifying that NENA is now active in Canada.

ACTION: Ron Bonneau to request from NENA Board

8. It was suggested that weekly news be provided to the membership. NENA will look at a possible e-mail server for Canadians.

ACTION: Ron Bonneau

9. Ron indicated that he has established an agenda for the regionalmeetings. He needs information, input and support from all PSAPs.

ACTION: Ron Bonneau and PSAP members wanting to provide insights

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