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A little background on the “Telecommunicator Standards andTraining” survey

 Welcome to the 1996 Edition of the NENA National Telecommunicator Standards andTraining Survey. This survey was commissioned as part of NENA’s National Resource Centerproject and its Commitment to encouraging and supporting states attempting to enactlegislation that will establish telecommunicator training standards. A state by statesurvey was used to establish and evaluate current levels of telecommunicator training inplace throughout the country. You will discover a map of the United Statesdepicting a complete visual picture of the present status (May 1996) of telecommunicatortraining standards across the country. The survey results are divided into three (3)sections for easy reference. First, you can review the individual state surveys, then youcan see the results summarized for your added convenience and information, and finallythere is a section containing excerpts of state telecommunicator training legislation.

 The results of the survey have also provided the foundation for the NENA NationalResource Center database that members can access on the World Wide Web. It is NENA’sintention to update the information on the NENA Web Site as new legislation or informationis obtained. The information will also continue to be made available to members in anupdated annual edition.

 NENA undertook this project to fully demonstrate its commitment to encouragingand supporting National Telecommunicator Training Standards throughout the country. NENAsupports the concept that this will be accomplished when every state adopts a minimumtelecommunicator training standard. Beginning the process of establishing minimum trainingstandards in your state may be no easy task. However, the information contained inthis book can save you a tremendous amount of time and will help you get started. You willlearn how programs are being paid for, how they are being administered, what subjects arebeing taught, and who you can call when you need help. NENA is also standing by. If youneed help in getting started in your state, or for additional information contact the NENANational Office. Remember, when training standards are in place everyonewins, the profession, the public health and safety services, and the citizens thatwe serve.

 To order additional copies of the printed edition call or write to the NENANational Office at 1-800-332-3911.

A Special Thanks
goes out to Mr. William H Hinkle
for your dedication and hard work on the NENA National Research Center

Also a big thanks to the following “Telecommunicator Standards and Training”Committee Members

Representing the North Central Region
Mr. Nathan McClure, Director
Central Dispatch
P.O. Box 626
Muskegon, MI 39443
Telephone (616)722-3524
Representing the East Coast Region
Brad Magill, Director
Butler County 9-1-1
309 Sunnyview Circle
Butler, PA 16001-3549
Telephone (412)284-5211
Representing the West Coast Region
Mr. Larry Kuhn, 9-1-1 Analyst
State of California
416 Fiqueroa Street
Folsom, CA 95630
Telephone (916) 657-9236
Representing the Gulf Coast Region
Mr. Roy Meredith, Supervisor
City of High Point – Comm. Div.
P.O. Box 429
High Point, NC 27261-0429
Telephone (910)885-2899
Database Development and Interface
Mr Ronald Bien, Telecom. Mgr.
Hamilton County Communications
2377 Civic Center Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45231
Telephone (513)825-2170
Web Site
Mr. Tim Rorris, Web Manager
1560 Fishinger Road
Columbus, OH 43221
Telephone (614)459-7707 email
Product Development and Education
Mr. Robert Cobb, Consultant
Pacesetter Management Group
1560 Fishinger Road
Columbus, OH 43221
Telephone (614)459-7707
Committee Chairman
Mr. William Hinkle, Operations Dir.
Hamilton County Communications
2337 Civic Center Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45231
Telephone (513)825-2170

NENA National Resource Center Document Order Form

To get the complete “Telecommunicator Standards and Training” printed, spiralbound book, print out the following order form, fill it out, and send it in to NENA rightaway! Don’t delay, get your copy today!

I would like _____ copies of the NENA Telecommunicator Standards and Training at theNENA Member price of $30.00 per copy. (Non-Member price is $40.00)

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Questions call: 800-332-3911

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