States with Standards

NRC – TelcommunicatorStandards and Training

Summary of Question #3

In states that have minimum telecommunicator standards arethey:
(As of April, 1996)

 State Mandate  Voluntary  Legislated by Law 
 1. California YES   YES  
 2. Connecticut  YES   YES 
 3. Georgia      YES
 4. Idaho    YES  
 5. Kentucky      YES
 6. Maryland      YES
 7. Massachusetts      YES
 8. Mississippi      YES
 9. Montana    YES  YES
 10. New Hampshire  YES    
 11. New Jersey  YES    YES
 12. New Mexico  YES    YES
 13. North Dakota  YES    YES
 14. Oregon  YES    YES
 15. Pennsylvania  YES    YES
 16. South Carolina      YES
 17. Utah    YES  YES
 18. Virgina  YES    YES
 19. Texas  YES    YES
 20. West Virginia      YES
 21. Wyoming  YES    YES
 TOTAL 11   4 18