National Resource Center


National Survey

1. For the State of: Connecticut

a) Contact Person: Michael Guerrera

b) Name : Department of Public Safety

c) Address : P.O. Box 2794 Middletown, CT06457-9294

d) Phone: 203-685-8107

e) Fax:

2. Does your state have minimum Telecommunicator Training Standards?YES

3. a. If the answer to question #2 is yes, are the standards;

  • a) þMandated, oVoluntary, þLegislatedStatute by Law oOther?
  • b) Comments:
  • c) b. When were the standards established? (date): Lawpassed in 1989
  • d) c. Have they been revised or modified? NO
  • e) d. Are you satisfied with the current status of your state’s minimumtraining standards? Yes
  • f) Comments if answer is no :

4. If the answer to question #2 is no, is your state considering, orin the process of establishing telecommunicator training standards?

a) When is implementation anticipated?

b) Comments:

5. Summarize the work plan and methodology used to accomplish the goalof establishing Minimum Telecommunicator Training Standards for your state:Originally developed by APCO modeled after the APCO80 Hour Program. Currently being modified to better fit Connecticut’s needs.Program is now 56 hours (inc. 2 hours of testing).

6. How long did it take to establish state standards?

7. Was there any organized opposition?: Yes,Private vendor. Regulations allow vendor programs for state certificationif standards are met.

a) If yes explain how it was overcome or dealt with:

8. What agency or regulatory board in your state is responsible foradministering state telecommunicator training standards? DPS,Office of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications

9. How are telecommunicator training costs funded?

a) þTelephone Tax or Surcharge oStateBudget Appropriation oLocal Government oOther

10. (a) How much money is dedicated to training: $.02, and how often?;

  • a) oMonthly oQuarterly oSemi-Annually þAnnually
  • b) Other:
  • c) (b) Does your state also assess other providers such as,
  • d) Cellular? No
  • e) PCS? No
  • f) Competitive Local Exchange Carriers? Yes
  • g) Mobile Satellite Service? No
  • h) If yes, and the legislation is separate from the telecommunicatortraining legislation, please attach a copy of that legislation.

11. Do your state standards include telecommunicator hiring or selectionstandards? No

a) Comments:

12. List your State’s minimum telecommunicator training standards inorder to qualify for state certification. (Please attach)

13. Indicate what areas of public-safety communications are includedin your state certification program;

  • a) þCall Takers Hours required 8
  • b) þLaw-Enforcement Dispatcher Hours required6
  • c) þFire Dispatcher Hours required6
  • d) þEmergency Medical Dispatch Hours required5
  • e) þEmergency Medical Technician Hoursrequired 5
  • f) þOther (NCIC) Hours required 3

14. Does your state have different telecommunicator training standardsfor call-takers and dispatchers? No

a) If yes please explain:

15. Within what time frame must a new telecommunicator receive certification?Within one (1) year of hire date

16. Are there any “Grandfather Clause” provisions? Yes

a) If yes explain: Continued employmentat same agency that began prior to 1/1/90.

17. Does your state recognize telecommunicator training certificationsfrom other states? No

18. Do your state telecommunicator training standards exempt any ofthe following: No

  • a) oPart-time Telecommunicators
  • b) oFill-in Law-Enforcement, Firefighters, EMTs, etc.
  • c) Comments :

19. Does your legislation contain any of the following provisions:

  • a) þRequirement to administer and/or approveexaminations
  • b) þCertify Telecommunicators on a permanentor temporary basis
  • c) þEstablish requirements for accreditationof telecommunicator training courses
  • d) þEstablish requirements for accreditationof telecommunicator training instructors
  • e) þEstablish requirements for accreditationof telecommunicator training schools
  • f) þEstablish procedures and requirementsfor continuing education
  • g) þEstablish procedures and requirementsfor recertification
  • h) If yes, what are recertification requirements:
  • i) Employment in good standing for 4 of 5 years.
  • j) þEstablish grounds for suspension orrevocation of certificates
  • k) oEstablish specific language or limits of liability for telecommunicators

20. What method/s are used to provide training;

  • a) þLaw Enforcement Academy,
  • b) þFire Academy,
  • c) þEMS Board
  • d) þUniversity or College
  • e) þVocational Schools
  • f) oThe APCO Institute 40 Hour Course
  • g) þAccredited local government public-safetyagency
  • h) þOther Commercial Vendors
  • i) oOther

21. What subjects and how many hours are required as part of the minimumtraining curriculum;

  • a) Subject Required Hours
  • b) Interpersonal Communications 4.5
  • c) Role of The Telecommunicator 1.
  • d) The Communications Function 1.
  • e) Telephone Techniques 2.5
  • f) 9-1-1 Operating Systems 3.
  • g) Hearing Impaired Callers 2.
  • h) Handling Hysterical & Suicidal Callers
  • i) Basic Radio Broadcasting Techniques 6.
  • j) Law-Enforcement Terminology 1.
  • k) Fire Service Terminology 1.
  • l) EMS Terminology
  • m) Emergency Call Processing Guidelines:
  • n) Law Enforcement 5.
  • o) Fire 5.
  • p) EMS 5.
  • q) Haz Mat Awareness 4.
  • r) Record Keeping Systems 1.
  • s) Telecommunicator Liability 2.
  • t) Fire/EMS Scene Safety
  • u) Officer Survival
  • v) Simulations
  • w) Please add any other subjects:
  • x) Technical Training 3.
  • y) Criminal Justice Information Systems3.

22. Do your training standards contain a requirement for the establishmentof Emergency Medical Dispatch Pre-Arrival Instruction Program? No

23. Do requirements for state certification contain any other provisionssuch as minimum education, minimum age, minimum typing skills, ride alongprograms, etc., No

a) If yes, please explain:

24. If a test is required for certification what percentage or scoreconstitutes a passing grade? 70%

25. Does your state offer provisional certification? YES,

a) If Yes, how does someone qualify for provisional status? Writtenacknowledgment of achievement is granted if prior training equals staterequirements. Allow person to take exam without attending course.

26. How long after passage of legislation, did agencies have to be incompliance with the telecommunicator training requirements?: One(1) year.

27. Does your Minimum State Telecommunicator Training Program providecollege credit? No

Thank You!