National Resource Center


National Survey

1. For the State of: Illinois

a) Contact Person: Michael P. Moos

b) Name : Illinois Law Enforcement Training& Standards Board

c) Address : 600 South Second Street, Suite300

d) Springfield, IL 62704

e) Phone: (217) 782-4540

f) Fax: (217) 524-5350

2. Does your state have minimum Telecommunicator Training Standards?NO

3. a. If the answer to question #2 is yes, are the standards;

a) oMandated, oVoluntary, oLegislated Statute by Law oOther?

b) Comments:

c) b. When were the standards established? (date):

d) c. Have they been revised or modified?

e) d. Are you satisfied with the current status of your state’s minimumtraining standards?

f) Comments if answer is no :

4. If the answer to question #2 is no, is your state considering, orin the process of establishing telecommunicator training standards?; YES

a) When is implementation anticipated? 1996

b) Comments: Certification process willfollow pending Board approval of both programs.

5. Summarize the work plan and methodology used to accomplish the goalof establishing Minimum Telecommunicator Training Standards for your state:A state task force of public health and safety agencieswas formed in April of 1994. Two state-wide hearings were held to gatherlocal input. Advisory Committee meeting formulated a basic course. Twofinal statewide hearings were held. Course was finalized on the basis ofthe hearings. Three pilot courses are planned. Committee will then finalizehours and course content and submit to the State in September. It willbe presented that not only a course be certified as a standard, but thata certification process be included.

6. How long did it take to establish state standards? 2.5years

7. Was there any organized opposition?: YES

a) If yes explain how it was overcome or dealt with: TheState stipulates no unfunded mandates. Program may be voluntary or mandatedif a funding mechanism is identified.

8. What agency or regulatory board in your state is responsible foradministering state telecommunicator training standards? IllinoisLaw Enforcement Training & Standards Board is proposed as the regulatoryagency for this program.

9. How are telecommunicator training costs funded?

a) oTelephone Tax or Surcharge oState Budget Appropriation þLocalGovernment þOther Federal grants

10. (a) How much money is dedicated to training: $ andhow often?;

  • a) oMonthly oQuarterly oSemi-Annually oAnnually
  • b) Other:
  • c) (b) Does your state also assess other providers such as,
  • d) Cellular? NO
  • e) PCS? NO
  • f) Competitive Local Exchange Carriers? YES
  • g) Mobile Satellite Service? NO

h) If yes, and the legislation is separate from the telecommunicatortraining legislation, please attach a copy of that legislation.

11. Do your state standards include telecommunicator hiring or selectionstandards? NO

a) Comments:

12. List your State’s minimum telecommunicator training standards inorder to qualify for state certification.

13. Indicate what areas of public-safety communications are includedin your state certification program;

  • a) oCall Takers Hours required
  • b) oLaw-Enforcement Dispatcher Hours required
  • c) oFire Dispatcher Hours required
  • d) þEmergency Medical Dispatch Hours required24. Hours
  • e) oEmergency Medical Technician Hours required
  • f) þOther (NCIC) Hours required 24.Hours
  • g)

14. Does your state have different telecommunicator training standardsfor call-takers and dispatchers? NO

a) If yes please explain:

15. Within what time frame must a new telecommunicator receive certification?

16. Are there any “Grandfather Clause” provisions? NO

a) If yes explain:

17. Does your state recognize telecommunicator training certificationsfrom other states? YES

18. Do your state telecommunicator training standards exempt any ofthe following:

  • a) oPart-time Telecommunicators
  • b) oFill-in Law-Enforcement, Firefighters, EMTs, etc.
  • c) Comments : No Exemptions permitted.

19. Does your legislation contain any of the following provisions:

  • a) oRequirement to administer and/or approve examinations
  • b) oCertify Telecommunicators on a permanent or temporary basis
  • c) oEstablish requirements for accreditation of telecommunicator trainingcourses
  • d) oEstablish requirements for accreditation of telecommunicator training
  • e) instructors
  • f) oEstablish requirements for accreditation of telecommunicator trainingschools
  • g) oEstablish procedures and requirements for continuing education
  • h) oEstablish procedures and requirements for recertification

i) If yes, what are recertification requirements:

  • j) oEstablish grounds for suspension or revocation of certificates
  • k) oEstablish specific language or limits of liability for telecommunicators

20. What method/s are used to provide training;

  • a) oLaw Enforcement Academy,
  • b) oFire Academy,
  • c) oEMS Board
  • d) oUniversity or College
  • e) oVocational Schools
  • f) oThe APCO Institute 40 Hour Course
  • g) oAccredited local government public-safety agency
  • h) oOther Commercial Vendors
  • i) þOther It is proposed that anycourse provider must be Board certified.

21. What subjects and how many hours are required as part of the minimumtraining curriculum; PROPOSED

  • a) Subject Required Hours
  • b) Interpersonal Communications 4.
  • c) Role of The Telecommunicator 3.
  • d) The Communications Function
  • e) Telephone Techniques 19.
  • f) 9-1-1 Operating Systems
  • g) Hearing Impaired Callers 6.
  • h) Handling Hysterical & Suicidal Callers
  • i) Basic Radio Broadcasting Techniques 19.
  • j) Law-Enforcement Terminology
  • k) Fire Service Terminology
  • l) EMS Terminology
  • m) Emergency Call Processing Guidelines:
  • n) Law Enforcement
  • o) Fire
  • p) EMS
  • q) Haz Mat Awareness 3.
  • r) Record Keeping Systems
  • s) Telecommunicator Liability 3.
  • t) Fire/EMS Scene Safety
  • u) Officer Survival
  • v) Simulations
  • w) Please add any other subjects:
  • x) Jurisdictional Geography 3.
  • y) Law Enforcement Overview 1
  • z) Fire Service Overview 1.
  • aa) Emergency Medical Services Overview1.
  • bb) Emergency Management Agency Overview1.
  • cc) Legal System Overview 4.
  • dd) Stress Management 2.
  • ee) Disaster Planning & Incident CommandOverview 3.
  • ff)
  • gg)

22. Do your training standards contain a requirementfor the establishment of Emergency Medical DispatchPre-Arrival Instruction Program? YES

23. Do requirements for state certification contain any other provisionssuch as minimum education, minimum age, minimum typing skills, ride alongprograms, etc., NO

a) If yes, please explain:

24. If a test is required for certification what percentage or scoreconstitutes a passing grade? Undetermined.

25. Does your state offer provisional certification? NO

a) If Yes, how does someone qualify for provisional status?

26. How long after passage of legislation, did agencies have to be incompliance with the telecommunicator training requirements?:

27. Does your Minimum State Telecommunicator Training Program providecollege credit? Undetermined.

Thank You!