Applicants for Communications Specialist Classification must be employedfull-time in a communications position, have a high school diploma or equivalenton file at the POST Academy, and have two sets of fingerprints on fileat the Idaho Bureau of Criminal Identification. Communications SpecialistClassification is not statutorily mandated, but is voluntary.

a. Non communications-related training shall count toward communicationsspecialist classification at one-quarter of its face value

7,14,1 Level 1 Classification

The applicant must have at least one year of full-time experience asa communications specialist and shall have completed a minimum of 40 hoursof POST Council-approved communications-related training, which much includethe ILETS Classification Level I certificate

7,14,2 Level II Classification

The applicant must have at least three years of full-time experienceas a communications specialist and shall have completed a minimum of 80hours of training, 40 of which must meet Level I requirements.

7,14,3 Level III Classification

a. The applicant must have at least six years of full-time experience as a communications specialist and shall have completed a minimum of120 hours of training, 40 of which must meet Level I requirements.

7,14,4 Advanced Classification

For the purposes herein, the term “advanced communications”position means that the incumbent possesses a Level III CommunicationsSpecialist Classification and has consciously decided to focus career effortson public safety communications. A candidate for this classification shall:

a. Possess a Level III Communications Specialist Classification.

b. Have a minimum of ten years full-time experience in public safety communications.

c. Have accumulated and successfully completed 500 hours of POST Council-approvedcommunications-related training.

d. Have successfully completed both the Basic and Advanced CommunicationsAcademies.