Vendor Information

We are pleased toannounce the 2000 Michigan 911 Conference and Exhibit Show. We look forward toanother excellent conference this year. This year’s conference will once againbe held in Grand Rapids at the AMWAY Grand Plaza Hotel. The conference dates areMay 24 through 26. The trade show will be on Wednesday, May 24, from 4:00 PM to8:00 PM; and Thursday, May 25 from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

We listened. You asked that we review our booth costs; andmake sure they are more inline with other state conferences. As a result of thehotel holding the line on costs and excellent sponsorship support, we have beenable to reduce booth rental costs to $650.00 per 8′ x 10′ space.

Vendor hours will be exclusive and include a reception andcocktails on Tuesday evening and a continental breakfast on Wednesday; thesefunctions will take place directly adjacent to, or in the exhibit area. Allexhibits will be in the AMWAY Grand Plaza using the President Ford andVanDenBerg rooms; adjacent to conference registration. Combined these roomsprovides for approximately 40 booth spaces.

The committee looks forward to seeing your companyrepresented at this year’s conference where we expect about 250 registrations.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Robert C. Currier, Exhibits Chairman
SCC Communications Corp.
P. O. Box 185
Marysville, Michigan 48040-0185
(810) 388-1911 voice
(810) 364-7479 fax
E Mail:

[email protected]