School Violence

“School Violence — LessonsLearned”
Pre-Conference Workshop Information

The Michigan Chapter of National EmergencyNumber Association (NENA) is proud to announce this year’s pre-conferenceprogram “School Violence – Lessons Learned” to be heldMonday, May 21, 2001 at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in Grand Rapids from 8:30 AMto 4:30 PM. This class will provide an in-depth look at school violence and willinclude prevention, planning, and response. The cost for this workshop is $110per person and includes morning and afternoon breaks as well as lunch. Registerearly as this class will fill quickly and receives outstanding reviewsnationwide.

Topics include specific tactical dispatch techniques inresponse to a school event, pre-planning strategies for handling school violenceevents, prevention methods used to avert a school violence event, threatassessment – the law enforcement and school district response to an event,reviews on how progressive agencies prepare to handle these events, calls totake seriously that may prevent a major event, a profile of school violencesuspects, and very valuable resources.

The instructor will be national school violence expert KevinWillett. Kevin has 16 years of law enforcement and dispatch experience. He willshare valuable “lessons learned” from events around the nation. Thisclass was developed for 911 calltakers and dispatchers; and will also be ofgreat benefit to school administrators, school resource officers, SWAT members,tactical supervisors or administrators.

To register, complete the following information and fax ormail to St. Joseph County Central Dispatch, P. O. Box 66, Centerville MI 49032.Fax number (616) 467-4375.


“School Violence – LessonsLearned” Workshop Registration Form





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