Feb 2002 Minutes

Meeting Minutes – Michigan NENA     February 13, 2002
Eaton County Central Dispatch, Charlotte, MI  

President Mike Sexton called the meeting to order at 10:10 AM at Eaton County with 18 present.  Thanks to Paul Rogers for hosting.  Members in attendance:  





Andy Goldgerger

St. Joe County

Marsha Bianconi

Conf of Western Wayne

Bob Currier


Mike Sexton


Bud Pesenecker

SBC / Ameritech

Par Anderson

SBC / Ameritech

Cathy McCormick

Community EMS

Patricia Coates

Oakland County

Christina Russell

Oakland County

Paul Rogers

Eaton County

Dave Nelson

SBC / Ameritech

Rich Deer

Eaton County

Ellen DeView

Birmingham Police

Ron MacDonald

Hillsdale County

Frank Grant

Birmingham Police

Sherri Kessel

SBC / Ameritech

Gary Brozewski

Bay County

Suzan Hensel

Midland County

Minutes read and approved on a motion by Coates and supported by Goldberger.  MCU

Treasurer Andy Goldberger presented his financial report with a motion by Coates to accept and place on file; supported by Bianconi.  Motion carried.  

General Account

$   7,462.44

Conference Account


Certificates of Deposit


Savings Demand Account




Balance on Hand

$ 35,234.29

Conference committee
Suzan Hensel indicated Dave Rice of Midland County would serve as this year’s Security Chair.  Larry Bouma of Kent County has retired.  

The program committee reported all but two (2) breakout sessions had been scheduled and confirmed.  Details will be posted on the web page.  

ETSC Report by Paul Rogers
The next meeting of ETSC will be held March at The Char-Lar Place in Holt on US-127.  Maps and meeting notices will be forthcoming from Linda Cwiek.  Paul reported that Col Robinson has retired effective 3/1/02.  Lt. Col. Madden may also be retiring as well.  This could pose an issue with the upcoming election for chair of the ETSC.  Dispatcher training fund deadline is TOMORROW (02/14/02).  

Suzan Hensel reported she and John Hunt were the only two who volunteered to review proposals for use of the $ 0.03 fund; Recertification committee will meet this Friday (02/15/02) on County’s final plans and extended funding.  


Unintentional Wireless 9-1-1 Calls

NENA, APCO and NASNA joint letter to the FCC was distributed to members present.  This requested a notice of inquiry to begin formal hearings on this issue.  Cathy McCormick noted the South Lyon Police Department has begun collecting “old” cell phones for distribution as a community service.  This was written up in the Detroit Free Press recently.  At no time did the article mention the lack of location or mobile call back number.  Discussion of sending a letter to that agency  

Motion by Bianconi, supported by Coates to draft a press release on this type of “give away” wireless phone programs; in particular the absence of location or call back number.  

9-1-1 Hero’s Program
Linda Cwiek (chair), Tom McIntyre, Jim Fyvie, Phil Ross and Dawn Adams have been appointed by President Sexton as the Michigan Hero’s Review Committee.  The Michigan “winner” must be selected from calls that occurred between June 1, 2001 and the deadline of April 22, 2002.  Presentation of the Michigan award will be done at the Michigan Conference.  The Michigan recipient needs to be submitted and by May 3rd the winner needs to be into National.  

In the event a Michigan nominee is chosen for the National award; the chapter would need to fund the second (2nd) chaperone to attend National.  On a motion by Goldberger, supported by Bianconi for the chapter to fund this cost.  MCU.  

Michigan Web Page – Update
Bob Currier mentioned the Michigan NENA web page had been updated with current conference information.  Member’s were encoureaged to check it out.  

NENA Technical Development Conference
Suzan Hensel will be attending the TDC, representing the Michigan Chapter.  


FCC 5th Report and Order (92-105)
Update on this report released December 11, 2001.  Basically this FCC report and order established a seamless, nationwide 9-1-1 emergency communications infrastructure that includes wireless communications.  The executive summary of the R & O specifically states three major areas of movement.  1) Nine (9) month timeframe to establish service; 2) Address steps the FCC will take to encourage development and implement end-to-end emergency services; and, 3) Does not require VHF Public Coast Stations to be 9-1-1 capable.  

The industry is still unclear on how this will be addressed with respect to funding, liability, enforcement and interpretation.  CLEC impact could be major, who and how will they get the translations for routing of 7-digit calls.  

Current Michigan Counties without 9-1-1 service are:  Baraga, Keweenaw, Schoolcraft, Ontonagon, and Goegbic.  There are no penalties or fines indicated in the current R & O for non-compliance.  

U. S. Senate Bills 1763 and 1781
These bills are the funding initiative, which has begun in the Senate for Rural 9-1-1 Service.  This appears to establish grant funding for rural areas to assist rural areas in implementation of 9-1-1 services. There were questions on if this included wireless as well, and is there ability for legislators to divert these funds to other projects.  

NENA National Board Position  – NEXTEL Proposal
President Sexton distributed the NENA Board position statement on the $25 million “grant” to APCO.  Consensus of the membership is this is “not right”.   

Christina Russell indicated that APCO National Committee is meeting next week on this issue at HQ.  It is not confirmed that the money will be accepted.  An opinion for these monies to be distributed to public safety should be controlled by public safety through an independent and unbiased organization.  MPSFAC is leaning in favor of the NEXTEL proposal on frequency arrangements, which are a “give-back” of 806 MHz spectrum; with NEXTEL moving to 821 MHz, instead of frequency blending.  As an example, in the State of Michigan, the “new” State 800 MHz radio system would need to move off the 821 MHz spectrum; at a cost of $50 million.  

National Conference
Indianapolis is the site for this year’s annual National Conference June 16th to 19th.  Chapter sends the President and also pays ½ of the Treasurer’s costs for attendance at National.  Also the board should look at further or potential scholarships; or offering a % to Michigan Chapter members to attend the National Conference.  

The Board of Directors recommended making $5,000 available for five (5) scholarships to the National Conference.  On a motion by Goldberger, supported by Rogers to make this funding available.  MCU.  

Motion by Rogers, supported by MacDonald to underwrite the costs for Linda Cwiek (ETSC) to attend the National conference.  MCU.  

National Elections
A rule change is taking place for all National Officers to be ENP certified this year.  March is deadline for submission of individual’s notice of intent to pursue election to national office.  

Other New Business
The Chapter provided lunch.  Round Robin discussion.  The next APCO meeting will be March 21st at Barry County at 10:00 AM.  

The meeting was adjourned at 1:38 PM; the next meeting will be held in conjunction with the annual conference in Grand Rapids.  

Respectfully submitted,  

Robert C. Currier, ENP
Chapter Secretary