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Meeting Minutes – Michigan NENA     February 21, 2001     Clinton County Courthouse

Meeting was called to order by President Michael Sexton at 1:10 PM; following the Michigan ETSC meeting and attendees were introduced; there were approximately 20 members present.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved on a motion by McClure, supported by Todd.

Andy Goldberger provided a treasurer’s report in his absence. This report was dated January 31, 2001.

                General Checking Account:                               $ 4,432.61

                Conference Checking Account:                           7,700.00

                Certificates of Deposit:                                       12,997.55

                TOTAL BALANCES ON HAND                   $25,130.16

Chapter scholarships to the annual conference were discussed.  Requests will be forwarded to Treasurer Goldberger.  The Board of Directors will make final decisions and award of scholarships with Goldberger’s recommendations.  A limit of $2,500 was established.

The proposed amendment to the chapter bylaws was discussed.  This would add a section to article on committees and formalize the appointment to Michigan ETSC.  Formal notice will be made to the membership as required in the constitution and bylaws so this can be voted on at the May meeting in Grand Rapids.

Plans are progressing well for Michigan’s Wireless Seminar on March 28th in Mt. Pleasant.  There are 135 registrations to date.

President Sexton presented the 2001 Meeting schedule.

March 28, 2001               Michigan Wireless Seminar – PohlCat Conference Center –

                                         Mt. Pleasant, Michigan – 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM.  

May 21- 24, 2001             Annual Spring Conference – Amway Grand Hotel, Grand Rapids

                                         There will be a chapter meeting May 23, 2001 at 5:30 PM.

June 24-28, 2001             National NENA 2001 Annual Conference – Orlando Florida

July 11, 2001                   Training workshop/Chapter Meeting, Midland Michigan. 

                                         Location and times to be announced.

November 7, 2001           9-1-1 workshop/Chapter Meeting, Southfield Michigan.   

                                        Location and times to be announced.

Meeting was concluded and adjourned at 1:50 PM.  The next meeting will be held in Grand Rapids during the Annual Conference on Wednesday May 23rd at 5:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert C. Currier, ENP

Michigan Chapter Secretary