Mar 2000 Minutes


March 15, 2000

The regular meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the NationalEmergency Number Association was called to order by President Todd, at 12:20 PM,at the Michigan State Police Training Academy in Lansing.  There were 26 inattendance.

Minutes of previous meeting were read.  Motion byMcClure, supported by Hensel to approve the minutes. Motion Carried.

Treasurer’s Report:
Andy Goldberger presented the treasurers report with the followingbalances. 

General Checking Account

$  2,604.73
Certificate of Deposit (2) $12,988.89
Conference Checking Acct $  7,651.00
TOTAL BALANCE $23,244.62

Motion by Hensel, supported by Rogers to receive and file the treasurer’sreport. Motion Carried.

Audit Report:

At the request of the Board of Directors, TreasurerGoldberger secured the services of Bradley M. Whaley, CPA to conduct an audit off Michigan Chapter of NENA’s financial records for the period ending December31, 1999. In Mr. Whaley’s report dated March 13, 2000 he states “Based onmy review, I am not aware of any material modifications that should be made tothe accompanying financial records in order for them to be in conformity withgenerally accepted accounting principles.”

Michigan Chapter of NENA – For the period ending December 31, 1999

Balance Sheet

Cash – General


Cash Conference




Total Assets



Total Assets and Liabilities


Total Equity & Fund Balance



Motion by Fayling, supported by Altland to accept and approvethe auditor’s report as presented. Motion Carried.

ETSC Report
Since the ESTC meeting had just concluded and most all were in attendance;Nate McClure did not go into detail with his report.

Annual Conference
The upcoming annual conference was discussed.  It will be held in GrandRapids from May 24 – 26 at the Amway Grand Plaza.  Pre-conference workshopswill be held on Tuesday, May 23.  Profile Evaluations will present”Building Excellence in the New Millennium” and APCO Institute willpresent their Customer Service and Team Building workshops as well.  Theopening keynote speaker will be John Melcher of Greater Harris County TX.

Meeting Dates
The upcoming meetings will be held during the annual conference in May and July26th will be an educational program in Clinton County and will be anafternoon or evening meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Chapter Secretary