Oct 1999 Minutes

OCTOBER 22, 1999

The regular meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the National Emergency NumberAssociation was called to order by it?s President, Stephen Todd at 3:02 PM, at theComfort Inn, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.

Those present:
Shirley Razmus          Michigan State Police
Vincent Major         Bay County
Tom Altland        Mason/Ocena
Ron MacDonald Hillsdale County
Pat Anderson        Ameritech
Mike Sexton        Ameritech
Ann Weaver        Southfield Communications
Dennis Koback        Chippewa County
O?dell Parker        Flint City
E. J. Reaves              City ofDetroit
Kim Blevins              City ofDetroit
Bob Bradley        CCE
Tony Beaglio        Michigan State Police
Patricia Coates        Oakland County
Dan Bateman        MSP 2nd District
Christina Russell Oakland County Sheriff
Tom McIntyre        Saginaw County
Debra Wormwood Menomenee County
Lloyd Fayling        Genesee County
Nate McClure        Muskegon County
Stephen Todd        Ottawa County
Andy Goldberger St. Joseph County

The Chapter Secretary was not present, therefore no minutes of the prior meeting werepresented for approval.
(Note: Members will find them posted on the web site.)

Treasurer’s Report:
Andy Goldberger presented the treasurers report with the following balances:

General Checking:        $ 12,675.33
Conference Checking:     7,712.81
Certificate of Deposit:     2,834.09
Total all Accounts:         $23,222.23

Motion by McClure, supported by Altland to receive and file the treasurer’s report.Motion Carried

Motion by Fayling, supported by McClure to authorize the treasurer to place $10,000 ina high yield certificate. Motion Carried

President Todd advised that an independent third party would be auditing the chapteraccounts.

After discussion, Motion by Fayling, supported by Koback to direct the President andBoard of Officers to prepare a news release expressing N.E.N.A. opposition to screeningmedical calls. Motion Carried.

The Chapter reviewed items discussed during the ETSC meeting. They were: Phase I and IIof the wireless implementation, Public Act 78 and the re-opening of 911 plans. It wasnoted that the Michigan Communications Directors will be holding a special training inFarmington Hills on November 5, 1999 on this issue.. 9-1-1 training funds and wirelinesurcharge funding were also discussed.

In keeping with the previous meeting schedule, NENA meetings will be on the same dateas the ETSC. Next meeting will be held on January 19, 2000, at a location and time to beannounced.

There being no further business, the President adjourned the meeting at 3:44 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Treasurer and Acting Secretary