May 1999 Minutes

Minutes of Regular Meeting – MAY 12,1999

The meeting called to order at 5:35 PM by President Steve Todd with 36 present at theAmway Grand Plaza in Grand Rapids, Michigan. President Todd gave an overview of NENA andupcoming issues and the annual calendar. Meetings are to be held in conjunction with ETSC.His goal is to partner with other organizations in training and other activities.

Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes was dispensed.

Treasurer’s Report ? Director Goldberger
Working Account 4/30/99     $30,322.24
Credit Card Account              $6,771.64
CD Account                          $2,745.29
Motion by Shirley Razsmus, supported by Linda Opipari to receive the report asinformation. MCU.

Legislative Update ? Director Todd
Lansing hearings update on House Energy and Technology. HB….ETSC “59” CMRS”58″ hearings were not positive. Major issue was collection and distribution offunding within CMRS; sunset clause is also an issue. Concern about ongoing review offinancial issues needs to be stressed with the freshman legislatures. Built in protectionsfor financial issues. New follow-up meeting Wed 5/19 of committee with take place. As anindustry we need to voice opinions to committee. If not out of committee by Wednesday 5/19the bills will not get a vote prior to summer recess. Senate Bills passed out to floorwith only one dissenting vote. Will be voted upon and passed this week.

Annual 9-1-1 Conference for 2000 ? Director Todd
Conference committee and others have received many comments on the conference and manyaspects. Hold joint meeting inviting interested parties to this meeting to expressopinion. Develop facility needs analysis and request Proposals for the 2000 conference.Currier to develop needs listing and present at joint Board Meeting. Ron McDonaldencouraged that the committee moves quickly on selecting a site for the year 2000conference. Many others supported this.

Motion by Dennis Kobak, supported by Pete LeFavour to authorize the NENA board to meetwith the APCO board to select the site for the 2000 Conference. This motion was amended byLloyd Fayling and Jim Osborn to include “pending APCO?s concurrence”. Boththe amendment and main motion were approved. MCU.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 6:08 PM. Nextmeeting at call of the President.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert C Currier, Secretary
Michigan Chapter of NENA