List Server Help

This is the help message for the NENA Listserver mailing list. The e-mail address for this list is [email protected]


This is an automated message sent out on the 1st of each month to the members of the NENA mailing list and as a result of the “Help” command. You might want to make a copy of this message for future reference.

Please read the list guidelines (see below) before engaging in discussion. In addition, familiarize yourself with how the list operates, especially if you’ve never participated in an Internet email discussion group before. It’s a good idea to save this message somewhere so you know how to unsubscribe.

The NENA listserver is for 9-1-1 and NENA related discussions. The List is not moderated but NENA reserves the right to delete any message and to remove anyone from the list. Please, no commercial announcements. Keep messages as short as possible and provide an Internet address for more information. To avoid spreading viruses to our members, file attachments are not allowed. Use private email to send any material.

When dealing with a listserver, there are two types of messages, namely, COMMANDS and POSTS. Unlike traditional listservers which require the use of numerous email addresses, we have simplified the process by allowing for both both COMMANDS and POSTS to be sent to the same address.

COMMANDS – must be sent to [email protected]

How to Join the List – Send an email to [email protected] with the words subscribe 911Talk in the Subject field of the message. You will receive an email reply from the server confirming that you have been added or giving you an error message.

Unsubscribe From The List – If you decide to leave the list, send a message to [email protected] with the words unsubscribe 911Talk in the subject field. You will be removed from the list automatically. If you do this and continue to receive mail, check your spelling on unsubscribe, it must be exact. If you spelled it correctly, send an email to Bob Tilden so he can manually delete your account. ([email protected])

POSTS – must be sent to [email protected]

Email messages which don’t match any commands are distributed to everyone on the list. Every time you post a message, hundreds of other people on the list receive a copy, just as if you sent it to them personally. As a member of the list, you will receive a copy of every message anyone else sends. On this list, only members of the list can post to it.

For more information about NENA or this list, please check our web site.

To correspond directly with a person, write to [email protected]