NENA Pleased With FCC’s Cost Recovery Ruling

Contact: Sonya Carius, (800) 332-3911


NENA Pleased With Today’s FCC Ruling on Wireless 9-1-1
FCC Recognizes the Need for Cost Recovery Language

Columbus, Ohio (November 18, 1999)—The National Emergency NumberAssociation (NENA) supports today’s FCC ruling on Wireless E-9-1-1. In today’sdecision, the FCC modified and clarified the E-9-1-1 rules in order to promotethe implementation of wireless Phase I and Phase II location services forwireless 9-1-1 calls. The modification removed Cost Recovery as a prerequisitecondition for Wireless telephone carriers to provide Phase I and Phase IIservices, while retaining the requirement that state and local governments passfunding legislation to support the related costs of public safety entities.

“NENA’s initial reaction to this decision is the applaud the wisdom ofthe FCC in keeping the cost recovery language in the rules. This will insurethat PSAPs (public safety answering points) have adequate funding to servewireless callers to 9-1-1,” said William H. Hinkle, NENA President.

NENA, in conjunction with NASNA, the CTIA, The Texas Commission on 9-1-1 andthe Greater Harris County 9-1-1 District and the public safety leadership of anumber of states, worked closely with the FCC in order to substantiate the valueand necessity of retaining the PSAP cost recovery language.

Hinkle noted, “we share the Commission’s optimism that the combinedeffects of the passage of S800, (the Wireless Communications and Public SafetyAct of 1999), and the FCC action taken today will substantially remove barriersthat have impeded the deployment of E-9-1-1 services. The FCC today acknowledgedthat there are significant costs for PSAPs that serve wireless 9-1-1 calls. Thiswas an important achievement for Public Safety.”

NENA has consistently challenged the Commission and other interests toexpedite the deployment of wireless location services. Hinkle added, “NENAsupports the FCC recognition of the critical role played by the local telephoneexchange carriers (LEC’s) in the implementation of wireless E-9-1-1.”NENA encourages all local exchange carriers to make the public’s safety theprimary focus in implementing 9-1-1 wireless services.

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NENA is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated exclusively to 9-1-1.NENA’s mission is to foster the technological advancement, availability andimplementation of a universal emergency telephone number system. NENA promotesand supports research, planning, training and education. The protection of humanlife, the preservation of property, and the maintenance of general communitysecurity are among NENA’s objectives.


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