OPCD is empowered by Act 155 of the 1982 Louisiana Legislature(amended by Act 897, 1990, Act 726, 1995, and Act 1029, 1999) to establish andmaintain New Orleans’ 9-1-1 Telephone System.

In accordance with these statutes OPCD has developed a set ofminimal requirements that all Service Suppliers should follow when they provideservice that is capable of accessing the E-9-1-1 telephone number in OrleansParish. It is the intention to make these requirements dynamic, so as to accountfor the rapidly changing nature of public safety telecommunications, andflexible, so that the individual concerns of Service Suppliers may be addressed.

Accordingly, the ILEC, all CLECs (facilities andnon-facilities based), CMRS, Resellers of CMRS, and each and every othersupplier of telecommunication services, the users of which are capable ofaccessing the 9-1-1 telephone number in Orleans Parish, are required to:

Prior to instituting service:

Coordinate with OPCD and Regional Public Safety Officials to settle technical issues including coverage, interfaces, trunking capacity, GIS, database management, etc.

Conduct testing to insure all calls initiated by the Carrier are properly received by the PSAP.

After instituting service, maintain on file with OPCD:

Contact names and access numbers of the individuals primarily responsible on a 24/7 basis for any technical issues that may arise regarding access to the 9-1-1 system by the service users of their service.

Contact names and access numbers of the individuals primarily responsible on a 9-5 basis for administrative issues, including, but not limited to, E- 9-1-1 service charges.

Contact names and access numbers of the individuals (or subcontractor) primarily responsible for ANI/ALI database management.

Carrier’s current Subscribers Services Tariff applicable to 9-1-1 or, if none, its authorization to do business from the Louisiana Public Service Commission.

Listing of NNX numbers utilized by the Carrier.

Provide the Carrier’s name within the ALI or ANI data stream that is transmitted to the PSAP.

Provide contact names and access numbers of Companies (if any) to whom you resell blocks of telephone numbers that they in turn resell to the public

Abide by all rules and regulations adopted by the FCC, LPSC, or any other lawmaking or regulatory body with jurisdiction relative to the handling of calls placed to 9-1-1.

NOTE: Non-facilities based CLEC and CMRS Resellers may wish tocontact the Company from whom they purchase their numbers, to obtain requiredinformation.

For further information, please contact: William Hawkins,Executive Director or Jeanette Williams, Finance/Personnel Mgr. @504-826-1200


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