NENA-APCO Joint Statement

NENA-APCO Joint Statement to Membership

Dear Member:

On Monday April 10, 2000, the APCO and NENA boards met at NENA’s offices todiscuss and explore strategies for the two organizations to work together forthe benefit of public safety. The meeting was mutually desired by both Boards intheir efforts to serve their respective memberships, and the greater publicsafety community.

Several positive events occurred at this historic meeting. It was theconsensus of the joint Boards that the memberships be provided the followingsummary of issues discussed during the meeting.

Regulatory and Legislative Matters

The Boards acknowledged and recognized past differences of opinion regarding regulatory matters and renewed their commitment to work towards consensus when possible on such matters.
The result of this discussion was a joint commitment to proactively inform each other on preliminary regulatory and legislative positions as the positions are being considered.
The Boards agreed to a policy of communication and advocacy that will promote the message and professionalism that is beneficial to the greater interests of public safety.
The Organizations agreed to promote different regulatory and legislative viewpoints in an independent manner where necessary.

Operational Matters

The Boards agreed to hold a meeting on a yearly basis to continue the communications and understandings fostered in this first meeting.
The Boards acknowledged the uniqueness of each organization, and the valuable contribution of each organization.
The Boards committed to working together on issues and projects that utilize the talents and expertise of each organization.
The Boards agreed to explore joint projects and forums that promote the goals of each organization.

APCO and NENA remain committed to their individual missions as organizations.The two Boards wish to underscore a renewed and historical strategy to promotepublic safety’s interests through independent, but complimentaryorganizations. We are confident the interests of our memberships are well servedby this joint declaration.


William Hinkle, NENA President

Joe Hanna, APCO President